Hello we are back for a couple of days before we head off on Tuesday to go and see my sister and her husband, they are Missionaries in Greece. God has been so good and we are so looking forward to going. A wee bit of sun and fun will be a great thing!
Trust all is going well with you folks. When we get back I will upload all the photos and bore you with my holiday snaps!!! Take care till then and keep trusting in Him.
Love Elizabeth. xx
Monday, 25 August 2008
Monday, 11 August 2008
Where does the time go?

Well the weekend is passed and all the children's clubs and camps are over for us for the moment. We have had some great times and also some hard times but God has helped us to get to this stage. It was great to have 8 kids at Sunday School this morning and 15 adults at the service. God is good! We are having some friends come across from Ireland tomorrow and then on Tuesday we are off to Cornwall for a few days. Will try to keep you up to date with our adventures but may not always be able to be connected. Make sure you stay connected to your life line.. Jesus. Keep looking to Him in everything you do and for everything you need. Have a great time till we chat again! With Love Elizabeth. xx
Friday, 8 August 2008
All Over!
This is a line of some of the kids happy faces!
Well we finished today at the club with 11 kids...granted 2 of them were visiting and were 1 and 2 year olds! We have had a really good time with them and are really glad that they all came. Everyone of them have come every day that they could.
Today we had a visit from a local Pastor called Justice. He was turning his bus and came across the Mission so popped in. He originally comes from Ghana. He says that it is such a shame that there is such a hardness here in Scotland to the Gospel seeing as the gospel came to his country from Scotland in the first place. He has a real desire to win the local people for the Lord. It is incredibly hard to get folks in to Church and they are very cynical of the things that we tell them. We talk of the heathen far off lands and yet our own country is in dire straits. We need to be Missionaries in our own land... win them for Jesus by showing them the difference He has made in our lives. I see the impact that sin has in families here in Edinburgh and all I know is that because of the grace of God our life is what it is!
Too good to keep to ourselves! With Love, Elizabeth. xx
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Thursday... nearly at the end!
We had our 9 kids again this morn. It is with some sadness that tomorrow is the last morning and yet I have to say we are very tired.
I was hoping to have lunch and the parents stay but it is not working out for them so going to just have a wee picnic with the kids and make the club an hour longer. Would be great if they would come to Sunday School... will pray on for that too happen. Hope all is well with you!
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Club went well!

Doing club inside is a really good idea isn't it? We have no problems with the weather inside the hall. Today we had 9 lovely youngsters! I took photos but unfortunately left the camera at the hall! If I had brains I would be dangerous! Jonathan had a couple from yesterday on his phone.
We were helping our friends Johnathan and Janet to load up the lorry tonight as they move to York tomorrow. We will miss them but in this job it is the nature of the work to sometimes move on and where God has called them it is the best and safest place for them to be..... oh and we will see them next Tuesday on our way to Cornwall! They are not getting rid of us for long! Right I hope all of you are well. I must go and sort out the prodigal son. No I don't have one I mean sort out the story for tomorrow! You knew that right? Time for bed me thinks... Goodnight. Love Elizabeth. xx
Monday, 4 August 2008
7 The Perfect Number?
Hi there, Just a wee report to let you know we survived our first children's club for this week. 7 energetic kiddies came including our own 2. We are being Detectives this week. Hopefully will bring home some photos tomorrow. Live for Him, Elizabeth. xx
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Fancy Footwear!
Jonathan has managed to get through the day with having to do the services and all with his sore toe and knee. He looked not too bad with his shirt and trousers and his sandals! He couldn't get his shoes on.
We are preparing for the holiday club starting tomorrow.
We got the wee room ready after church today.... hopefully there will be too many to fit in there and we will have to move into the hall for the whole thing!
We are being Gospel detectives so we are getting our badges and ID's and whatnot ready. Will let you know how it goes! Pray on! With love Elizabeth. xx
Saturday, 2 August 2008
It Never Rains BUt It Pours!
Yesterday was one of those days. In the morning we had to get up and take the car to get it's MOT. Then I took Beth into town to try and find the wordless book coloured beads for a craft next week at the clubs in Gorgie. We just got off the bus and the heavens opened and we were drenched. This is Beth under the hand dryer in BHS!
We came home and then I took Lydia out to spend some of her money at the local charity shops...I enjoyed that!
When I got home the car was ready so had to get the bus along and pick it up. While I was out I popped into the chemist to ask about Jon and his sore toe and knee. He said take him to A&E. The 3 folks who were to help us at last nights club came for tea and so after tea Nicola babysat and we headed out for the eve. There are all sorts of things go on in the hospital and so I enjoyed watching the world go by for the couple of hours we were there. They gave Jon a local Anaesthetic and then cut out some of the infection and gave him antibiotics. He has a big bandage on his toe and I will take a photo of him in his suit and sandals for you tomorrow!!!!
Anyhow it seems to be on the mend which is good news.
In the hospital there were a number of people whose lives are wrecked by alcohol and drugs. Again we must marvel that it is Jesus who makes the difference to our lives. It is only by His grace that we are what we are.His mercies are new every morning..share them with someone today!
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