Having a wee play!
This is Nicola who is helping us with the club.
We started the club in the local estate last night. There were 7 bigger lads of about 11-13 and then 2 smaller kids and then of course Bethany and Lydia. We played a lot of games with them, hence the sore muscles. They have christened us the God squad and remember us from previous years, which is good. We managed to have the story with them. While it would have appeared that no one was listening apart from the wee ones those bigger fellas could tell us all of it back again. One of them was really aghast that we are all sinners. They asked some really good questions. Unfortunately one of the deepest thinker lads goes on his holidays today and we won't see him for the rest of the week. We can only pray that what he heard will stay with him and that God by His Holy Spirit will deal with him. These lives have such potential. It is a great opportunity to be out on the grass with them. The weather was pretty good yesterday but today so far it is not so nice. Hopefully it will clear up! I haven't any photos yet but more of camp!
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