Us beside a statue of Alexander the Great
Jonathan being taken for a mystery trip by a neighbour called Costas
No Tower Bridge hasn't moved, we were in London too!
Hi we are back from our holidays...all of them. We have been to Greece to see my sister and brother in law. Wilma and David Lyttle who are Missionaries over there. We had a great time although I think God would really have a sense of humour if He called Bethany there to work as she didn't like the heat at all.
We then had a few days in London with an old friend of Jonathan's called Daada. He is a Liberian fellow married to a northern Irish girl with 4 children living and working with the London City Mission in King's Cross. God would have to give me a seriously big sense of humour to be called there. It was so busy and noisy and I really knew why God has called us to the Isle of Skye!
Lydia was more interested in the squirrels than the Tower of London!
Well we have learnt lots about life for other Missionaries these past few weeks and now it is time to return to the work God has called us to here. Jonathan has the responsibility of taking my good school friend, Ailsa's mum's funeral tomorrow. It is a huge honour to be asked but still a big task ahead. It would be great to see the Lord really break into the whole family's life and do something amazing in their hearts.
Well back to work it is...hope you are well and living for Him! See ya! Love Elizabeth. xx
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