The girls are off at One way club tonight which they love. We have had a day in the house as we girlies are suffering a wee bit with the cold. We have a few days off starting today. We are going to spend tomorrow around the house and then we are heading to York for an overnight stay to see Johnathan and Janet and then we are going to spend some days with our great friends Stephen and Cynthia and their kids Matthew and Emily. I am so looking forward to seeing them and finding out about the work they are involved in around the village they live in. They are seeking to use the opportunities that are there to tell people of the great freedom that is found in Jesus.
The Church is going on without us as you would imagine and we are grateful that we now have one or two folks on whom we can call to take over while we are away.

We are no further forward with the house in Skye except that we have seen it and like it and now it is the waiting game!!! I'm not so good at that!
Anyhow I hope you are well and I will be in touch again after our break.
Take care, love Elizabeth. xx
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