Well Christmas and New Year have certainly been an adventure. Not a quiet one either but we have very much enjoyed both. We had Christmas at home in Gorgie just ourselves and one of the wee girls from Church came along for the service we went to and then to our home for lunch. Out of all this wee girl got she still wasn't happy with her Christmas. Our children aren't really looking for stuff but really time spent with us.
Next we went to Fort William to spend sometime with my mum and Gran. She is doing well at 98 and 11months but you can see her getting frail. The scenery there was amazing though with temperatures as low as 7.5 degrees.

We had a blast up in Skye for new year and really enjoyed the company!!! We are still house hunting but very aware that God has it under His control and so we are not worried at all. He will sort it out in His own time.

Now we are in Ireland with our friends Garrett and Jackie. They have been friend with us since we were in Cork with the Faith Mission. They have moved to Limerick and now just this year they have started Limerick's New Testament Church. www.limericknewtestamentchurch.com Copy and paste that into your address bar. (Cos I don't know how to do it for you and make it a direct link thing... sorry). They had a Bible study here last night. It is great to see a young new church made up of mostly men. They sung For He alone is worthy at the end and I felt sorry for the neighbours as all these powerful manly voices were booming through the wall.
So we will let you know how we have got on. Will speak to you when I get home. Looking forward to sharing this week end with our friends and the fresh new church. May God give us the freshness of new faith in Christ. Be His! Love Elizabeth. xx
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