This past week has been a busy week for the girls due to Bethany's birthday. She had her party on Monday then on Tuesday a friend had given us tickets to go and see cinderella in a puppet show. Wednesday was her birthday so we went to the Happy Castle, Jonathan's faithful sandals broke (he has been wearing them constantly since November due to his sore toe) and so we rushed to buy a new pair and then my sister and brother and other halves were coming for dinner. On Thursday (pic in the tent) is when Alba and Sara came for a sleepover. All went well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves fine! Phew! Friday was a bit more chilled out and Lydia fancied getting very dressed up and then played the wii and then on Saturday they went to play with Gemma their friend at Penicuik. Kids these days huh? All I am is a taxi service for their social activities!
I spoke at the Ladies' meeting on Thursday for the last time. It is very odd this week now as everything will be for the last time. Tonight is the last prayer meeting.Tomorrow is the last coffee morning. See I am sure you are glad you don't actually live with me as last is a prefix for everything I say.
On Saturday night the Mission are having a farewell buffet for us... not looking forward to that! People saying nice things about you... I will feel like I'm dead. Only kidding it is very nice of them but don't really need a big fuss made. My mum is coming down on Thursday so she can be there. I think the Queen is flying in last minute!
I think these are very funny photos of a day last week when a policeman was talking to the maintenance man about an untaxed vehicle in our car park, suddenly we saw a head... yes our daughter who loves climbing the wall and playing on the bins. We couldn't believe it. She told us later that he had told her to get off the bin so we said and you haven't been on again since have you? To which she replied oh no not that one anyway! Oh dear what have we bred?

It is a beautiful day here for which we are very glad, so we are off to play tennis for a while and go to the park. How grateful we must be for the blessings we have to hand all the time. Family and friends and food and laughter. God is very gracious in His giving to us don't you think? Speak to you again. E. xx
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