Saturday, 31 May 2008
I am going shopping!!!
Mornin to all. We have a lovely sunny Saturday morn here and I am just saying a quick hello as I am off to the shops with my sisters Nora and Wilma. They are only really taking me so as I can drive them but hey ho I'm not proud and don't mind being the chauffeur (I think that is how you spell it). The girls are off to art class and while there Jon is coming down to Nora's to get breakfast rolls with sausage and bacon. Could the day be more perfect? It will not be so funny when I have to try and get organised for Sunday school later on!!! Never mind if we didn't have the problems we wouldn't appreciate the good so much. I really appreciate the time to go and mosey around the shopping centre and am going to enjoy it! Wilma's husband David is speaking at both services tomorrow so Jon only has communion to organise so he is head chef and chief bottlewasher today. He thinks he will probably be David sitting as well!
Well I will check in later. Be blessed and happy in what you do today. Find the joy in the menial and just press on in the tasks God has given. With love Eliz. xx
Friday, 30 May 2008
Give me more!
I am reading a really good book at the moment called My Hearts Cry by Anne Graham Lotz (daughter of Billy Graham). I have only just started it but she is a writer that I have enjoyed before. Right now she is telling the background to the Eastern Shepherds and how they knew their sheep. She speaks of her desire to not just have a "normal" Christian life that so many Christians seem to be happy to settle for. She wants more. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives it's name.
I pray that out of his glorious riches.... you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more....."
I don't want to settle for the ordinary life I want an extraordinary experience with Jesus as the Commanding Officer. It means though that I must let go of my desires and make sure that I line up my life with what God's will is.
We have the Family time today at Gorgie so it would be great if Clair and Kourtney would come. So many people need the Lord, and it is our responsibility to share Him with anyone who will listen.
Today don't settle for a second rate Christian experience but give your all to God.
Hope you have a fab day! Love Eliz. xx
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Morning! I am having a few technical difficulties this morn and am a small bit frustrated with the computer which probably doesn't help! The photo that is up the top is of the school where I do a Scripture Union class every Thursday. Today is my last day ever. It is kind of weird thinking bout that. We finish early for the summer but then I have decided not to go back. Life is already busy and so I have decided that it is time to start getting out of things in preparation for going to Skye. I reckoned it might be a wee bit easier for them to get someone to replace me at the beginning of the school year rather than half way through. I am on the story and what not today and true to form I am not organised.
We had my Sister Wilma and Brother in law David yesterday. It is great to see them, although Wilma had a migraine poor thing and was having a terrible day. David did a really good job at the Bible Study last night and told us amazing stories of God working in Greece. I love listening to Missionaries who's stories are bang up to date, but I guess it should be the way with all of us. Our Christian experiences should not only consist of what happened that one day we were saved. It should be about that and all the way right up to this present day that we can share what God has done for us.
What has God done or said or meant to you this week? If you can't think of anything then maybe it is time for you to put aside all the other stuff of life and make time for the One who has come and given you life more abundant!
We have a family appointment at the dentist today, yippee!
Speak later love E. xx
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tired Today!
Hi there,
We are all incredibly sleepy this morning after a late night last night. The girls had a GB fun night. It was in a massive field and it was freezing. You would have said it was the middle of winter, but light on the horizon came when one of the Captains mentioned chips! I had a good chat with the two other mums that went and although their lives are incredibly different to mine they were really lovely. They have promised that we will meet up in the summer. They seem interested to come to the holiday club we will do in the Mission.
Today, my sister, Wilma and her hubbie David are coming. They are missionaries in Greece and just home for a few weeks. David is speaking tonight at the Bible study so that gives Jon a well earned break!
Anyway I had better see if I can get any order around this house! Will chat later. Love Eliz. xx
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Morning! I had a late night last night. I was at the Homeschool mum's Bible study and there were less of us than usual but we seemed to talk more than usual! The chapter of the book we are reading was on Gratitude, contentment and a smile. We spoke of being content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves just like Paul said. If we think of all that we have from God we should not need to be discontent, but often keeping up with others is the root of our desire for things that we just can't have.
We have a full day today but a nice one. I have to go shopping this morning for Navy trousers for the girls to wear tonight at a Girl's Brigade fun night. Jon and the girls are going to do school and then this afternoon I am meeting with Carey the other Sunday School teacher to chat over the new curriculum that we are starting. Then we are meeting at 5:30 and all going to the fun night. I invited one of the wee girls from GB to the family time we have at the mission on Friday. I hope she can come!
Well I hope you are content today with Glory. E.xxxxx
Monday, 26 May 2008
This is the other Bethany that we have at Sunday school isn't she sweet? We had a good day yesterday with all the goings on. We would love some more people to come in to the morning service and we are really praying for opportunities to meet people and to invite them in from our neighbourhood. Last night on our way out of the hall I saw a wee man called Jackie who I spoke to many times about coming and eventually he came a few times to the coffee morning. He doesn't keep well but has promised to come in this Sunday morning so please if you can pray that he will and not just come in but receive Jesus as his own.
We had a lovely meal out and then had a walk along the promenade at a place called Cramond.
Last night was the fellowship after the service and a good supper was provided, so all in all I have fared well and sumptuously!
Today we are having a wee time off from the busyness and enjoying it well. I have a homeschool mum's bible study tonight, so I had better get started on studying the chapter. I think it is Elizabeth George that says if you have not studied then you have no right to speak at the study! I had better get studying. I'll let you know how it goes!
Take care. Love E. xx
Saturday, 24 May 2008
This terrible twosome are Nathaniel and Joan. The photos were taken by Lydia so excuse the off centredness! They are Janet Slater's parents. They were taking an major part in the Fellowship meal and they used Jonathan and I for two of their stories! They told of how when I first got married I couldn't cook but Jonathan really wanted a rhubarb tart. One day he came in and I presented him with a 15 inch tart. He said how lovely it looked but in no way could he eat all that. I told him that those were the shortest stalks of rhubarb I could find!!! She was right though with the not being able to cook and if I had even known what to do with rhubarb I might have done just what she said! I am very thankful that someone gave us a slow cooker for a present and I often quip that it saved our marriage in the early days. Now I like cooking and get recipe books as presents. I need to follow the guidelines and can't just make it up as I go. It is the same with the Christian life. When we begin we really have no idea how to do it but God gives us guidelines in a book called the Bible. I read a statistic that said 48% of evangelical Christians rarely or never read their Bibles. No wonder our churches and our own lives are in a mess. God gave us the training manual we just need to use it! Have a lovely time at the places you worship! Bye, E. xx
Jumping Jills!
Hello hope you are all having a lovely Saturday.
We have been very industrious with our baking today. I always get embroiled in these things when I have other things to do! So here I am with about 30 mins to go before we leave for a meal at the Faith Mission and I have to get the girls ready and the story etc for Sunday school. Oh well at least we have banana muffins to eat!!!
It will be nice to go out to the meal tonight and have some fun and chat. The story for tomorrow is the lost sheep so at least it is fairly familiar to me! Jonathan has cool visuals for it aswell. God is good huh? Oh and we are going out with some folks from the church for lunch tomorrow and if that is not enough I don't have to get a supper ready as it is the monthly fellowship at Gorgie and another team is on the refreshments! God really is good at just the time you need Him. Hope and trust you know His goodness and provision for your every need at this time.
Catch you tomorrow! Love Elizabeth. xx
Friday, 23 May 2008
We are exhausted!!!!!
We have had a lovely day at the farm and I remembered the cups and the water. Yippee!!! The girls are off to One Way Club so I thought I would take this opportunity to show you a wee pic of the day. This photo is of My sister Nora and her friend Linda and ourselves
Trust you have a lovely evening. E. xx
Hello there,
A brand new day. No wonder it is called the present as it really is a gift from God. We have never had the 23rd May 2008 before so it is a unique opportunity to use it for Jesus sake. What are your plans for today? We are off later on with my sister and her friend to the Almond Valley Farm to see all the newborn animals. My sister Nora is packing us a picnic and all I have to do is remember the water and the cups. One time I forgot the cups and I haven't been let forget it since. I have a terrible memory!
Well I had better go and stick the kettle on for the flasks. I trust that God blesses you and that you enjoy this gift rhat He has given you. Speak to you later. Love Elizabeth. xx
Thursday, 22 May 2008
God's great design!
Morning. Jonathan and Bethany are on the floor playing with magnets and Lydia is emptying her bedroom of all the My Little Pony things that she can find and bringing them into the front room for us to fall over! Do you know though that I would not change a moment of it for all the tea in China. I love to see how the kids play and the imagination that they have. Today in many situations children are not allowed to be children and the things they have to see and deal with are so traumatic that they are forced to grow up far too quickly. Our children should have the chance to be children, to enjoy life without the pressures that this world puts on them for results in test and the like. God has a great design for each life that He has created. I am sure that He is pleased when we allow our children the freedom just to play. God has created us too and has a great plan for us, sometimes that involves the freedom to take time out.To relax and enjoy life and often in those times when we are most relaxed we find we have the greatest opportunities to share with another about our love for Jesus. Jesus sat at the well, while the Disciples went for food and He met with a woman who was ashamed and outcast and He shared with her and she believed and brought others to Jesus. We may miss out on the joy of sharing just by the sheer busyness of life. Take time today to sit by the well and wait. Not only will you enjoy the rest but you never know it may lead to a conversation that will change a life. Be blessed today. Love Elizabeth. xx
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
This is a picture of the lunch time escapades of our ladies' meeting/ coffee morning trip yesterday. We had a lovely time away and I really enjoyed the company of my sister Nora.
Our friends have just left from having been here for lunch and the kids had a great time playing while Sue and I very much enjoyed putting the world to rights. We spoke a lot about this new "revival" that is being reported of from Florida. It would seem that it is much more about the man who is conducting it rather than the God who is supposed to be sending it. John spoke in the Bible of wanting to "decrease so that He may increase". Life as we know it should be all about exalting God rather than ourselves. Someone has said that the human body is a remarkable piece of chemistry, you pat a man on the back and his head begins to swell. We must take none of the glory but give it all to Him who really is worthy of all the glory.
Jonathan is preparing for the Bible study tonight and so I had better go and get him some sustenance. I hope you know the sustaining of the Holy Spirit today! Be discerning! With love E. xx
Monday, 19 May 2008
A good day off!
Hello there,
I have had a very productive day off today. We had school finished by 9:30am and then by 10:30 we went off to the Gorgie Charity shops where I managed to pick up 5 Bible story videos for the kids for £1.75. When I got home we were starving and it was still only 12 o'clock!
Johnathan and Janet popped in and Bethany showed Ryan her photo scrapbook. After lunch they left and we guys went up to the roof for a while. Jonathan checked his washing!!!!!
The girls played with the sand and I tried to read my book but it was too sunny and the white pages nearly blinded me.
I came back down and started to try and do something with the place the girls call a bedroom. I did finally find a couple of beds!!! It took me a good 2 and a half hours to get any sort of order amongst the toys. Now we have just had tea and I am getting a wee quick write while girls are getting their pj's on.
Tomorrow I am off on the Gorgie Mission trip. We are going to Aberfoyle for our lunch and Stirling for shopping. Another go at Primark! My sister Nora is coming with me so I am very much looking forward to that. Well now I am going to have one last go at trying to organise the house then I am going to flop in a heap and read my book.
May you know His presence in the quiet moments of life and also in the busyness of living. May you see His hand in all you do and may you know the benefit of His guiding through all the paths whether smooth or rough. Will be in touch. E. xx
The day the Lord has given us has ended!
Well it has been a full day with all sorts of fun and friendship. The photo above is our meal time at Gorgie Mission.
I had a lovely time this morning with no Sunday School to do and knowing it was in Carey and Hannah's capable hands allowed me to relax.
After church this evening we had a few of the folks up for supper. So all in all we have been very talkative today!
Bethany and Lydia are absolutely exhausted with all our goings on. Never mind tomorrow is an easy day at school and then we are going to have a chill out day with hopefully, weather permitting, a trip to the park.
I trust that you had a lovely Lord's day and that already you are looking forward to the next one. Don't forget to stay close to Him all week though and spend time in His presence.
I will talk to you tomorrow, God willing. Love Elizabeth. xx
Saturday, 17 May 2008
A Big Sunday Lunch!!!
Sorry bout the same old photo. I forgot to take the camera out at the meeting.
Just thought I'd say hi just now as tomorrow morn I had better be good and not stop to blog. Got a few friends coming to church and then having lunch so I have to cook up a storm in the morn and make sure it is all ready!!!!
Today went fine with the singing and all. I think we managed to maintain the tune and the words only escaped us once. Not terribly professional! One couple came in while we were singing and seemed to be a little under the influence of a different kind of spirit. They seemed to be enjoying the singing while it was all 4 of us and then Jon and I began to sing and they left. That might tell you how good it was! Not even the alcohol could help! God is really so good that even although singing is not my favourite thing to do I will do it just to tell of Him.
We are so blessed tomorrow to be having communion at church. I don't want it to be a run of the mill routine thing. Let's focus our minds on what He has done for us then as C.T Studd said, If Jesus Christ be God and died for me then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.
Be blessed this Sunday. E xx
Well I seem to have been on the computer for hours and yet not managed to get anything done with the blog. I have been booking flights for a couple of nights in Northern Ireland as our friends Robert and Alison have sent us an invitation to Robert's licensing to be a Presbyterian Minister. These friends are the ones who started us on homeschooling as they homeschool their two boys using the ACE curriculum which they then passed on to us free of charge. Isn't God good? Yesterday through friends re-united I made contact with an old school friend. It is so crazy to think that it was 16 years ago that I saw most of those folks, (I left that school at 15 when we moved house) Just in case you were thinking that I was older than I want you to think that I am!!! I've invited a few of them over for dinner so that's a bit scary! In school I had a massive fuzz head of hair and looked like a microphone so hopefully I have got a little better with age! We all change tho so I'm sure they don't all look the same as they did either. There is a verse that says Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. Sometimes we are so worried about our looks and the looks of others we forget about the heart. God knows and sees your heart and mine. He knows what they are like and to whom they belong. Have you given your heart to Jesus? How do you do that? Just by saying a simple prayer, telling Him you are sorry for the things you have done wrong, thanking Him for dying on the cross for you and then asking Him to take control of your life. It will be the best decision you have ever made.
We are offski to a meeting, to sing and speak then out for tea to KFC, yum yum.
With love, Elizabeth. xx
Friday, 16 May 2008
House Warming!
Hello there,
Another day has been given to me so here I am. Today we are going to clean the church after we have done school. Hopefully neither will take too long. Then we are off to a party!!! Our friend Carole on the left of the picture has moved into a new flat and we are going to "warm" it! She is having a bbq. So that's my day. Trust your day goes well. May your spirit know the warmth of the presence of the Holy Spirit and may you allow Him to lead you and guide you today.
Love Elizabeth. xx
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Ahhh, Time to relax!
All went well at the Ladies' meeting today and we all nearly got the song right that we were singing!!!
It is lovely now just to relax and enjoy life a little bit. We as a family have just had a movie night, with popcorn and a few other goodies. I love spending time with the family and thank God that He has given me such a great one to be with. Don't get me wrong we have the same struggles as anyone else but nonetheless I love them and they love me warts and all! Today I was rather stressed getting ready for all the events taking place. Even in that time they support me. I hope you have a family that you love to be with. If not a physical family then the family of Christ. Adopt some family to share things with!!
See you tomorrow God willing.Love E.xx
Yesterday we had a lovely day with just a few of the homeschoolers at Harestanes. A lady Ranger took us around and looked at trees and wild flowers and of course bugs! All creation really does point to the Great Creator doesn't it? It defies logic how some of the people we term as smartest can believe that the world came into existence in any other way than a Designer.
Today I am speaking and the girls are singing at the Ladies' meeting. Am I ready? Not on your life. So I had better toddle off and do something productive.
Look around you today, let creation speak for itself and may you enjoy the beauty of it! See ya l8r. E. xx
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
On a trip!
Today the girls and I are off to Harestanes in the borders of Scotland for a wee homeschool trip. There are not so many of us today as it is quite far away but I reckon it is worth the effort especially as the ones who travel from Jedburgh to Edinburgh have to do it every month. It seems only fair that we would return the compliment every now and then. The only thing is, and I know this may come as a surprise to you, I am nowhere near ready to go!!!! In just over an hour I need to have had a shower, made the picnic, got the girls ready and everyone to have breakfast. Well sitting talking to you, although my privilege is not getting me to Harestanes, so I will depart for now.
I'll let you know how it all goes. I trust that even in the busyness of life when we can be a bit fraught and uptight we remember that we are still ambassadors for the Prince of Peace. He tells me "My peace I give you". I'll get there.
Speak later, Love Elizabeth. xx
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Coming apart?
We have been to the library today. Girls have gone to bed listening to a new cd that we borrowed and I am exhausted.
I really need to start getting ready for a ladies' meeting that I have on Thursday but just too tired tonight. Sometimes you just have to have a wee break don't you find? God in His wisdom tells us to take a break. He said to the Disciples, "Come apart and rest awhile" Someone has quipped you must come apart as Jesus said before you come apart! Take time to enjoy your life and don't come apart at the seams!
Night. Love Eliz. xx
Hope this makes up for it Stuart!
Our friend Stuart wrote a comment about being annoyed cause I had not posted anything this morn so I thought I'd sweeten him up by showing you the tour he takes with his dad on the boat. It's called the Misty Isle and if you are ever in Skye you must take a trip!!!
This morning I got up and as usual I sat down at the computer to write my blog but guess what? I had nothing to say. That must be a first! Anyway now that I have woken up properly I have something to say, (surprise, surprise).
Every so often I have a little wobble over the fact that we are moving away from Edinburgh and going to Skye. I have to say that God is being ultra patient with me and He keeps on confirming it in a variety of ways. Just yesterday I had one of those experiences. I was sitting folding the washing and wondering if we are doing the right thing when the phone rang and it was Glenda from Skye with a booking for a meeting. I am amazed that God knows what I need and when to give it to me. I know that we are following the leading and guidance of God, but sometimes I lose faith in my own abilities. Jonathan is as steady as a rock and has absolutely no doubts what so ever. I wish I were like that. We talked about it last night though and he tried to encourage me with thoughts of how Paul felt having to leave new converts behind when moving on. It is definitely hard, but I am sure that God has them and us in His hand and He will lead us.
Today at the coffee morning we were able to have another chat with Matt. He is one of the carers that comes with Christine, a lady with learning difficulties. Matt's father is a Baptist minister and although Matt has grown up and professed faith and been baptised, he wants nothing to do with what he calls "organised religion". He thinks church is not the way to go. He has very definite ideas and it is very hard to talk to him about what the Bible says on the subject. I am very glad though that he is open to talk and we trust that just some snippet of info has penetrated not just his head but his heart too.
Is your relationship real or is it just an organised religion? Religion will never really make a difference to the world, but a real true love relationship between you and Jesus will. What have you got?
Speak to you later. Sorry I am late!
Love E. xx
This morning I got up and as usual I sat down at the computer to write my blog but guess what? I had nothing to say. That must be a first! Anyway now that I have woken up properly I have something to say, (surprise, surprise).
Every so often I have a little wobble over the fact that we are moving away from Edinburgh and going to Skye. I have to say that God is being ultra patient with me and He keeps on confirming it in a variety of ways. Just yesterday I had one of those experiences. I was sitting folding the washing and wondering if we are doing the right thing when the phone rang and it was Glenda from Skye with a booking for a meeting. I am amazed that God knows what I need and when to give it to me. I know that we are following the leading and guidance of God, but sometimes I lose faith in my own abilities. Jonathan is as steady as a rock and has absolutely no doubts what so ever. I wish I were like that. We talked about it last night though and he tried to encourage me with thoughts of how Paul felt having to leave new converts behind when moving on. It is definitely hard, but I am sure that God has them and us in His hand and He will lead us.
Today at the coffee morning we were able to have another chat with Matt. He is one of the carers that comes with Christine, a lady with learning difficulties. Matt's father is a Baptist minister and although Matt has grown up and professed faith and been baptised, he wants nothing to do with what he calls "organised religion". He thinks church is not the way to go. He has very definite ideas and it is very hard to talk to him about what the Bible says on the subject. I am very glad though that he is open to talk and we trust that just some snippet of info has penetrated not just his head but his heart too.
Is your relationship real or is it just an organised religion? Religion will never really make a difference to the world, but a real true love relationship between you and Jesus will. What have you got?
Speak to you later. Sorry I am late!
Love E. xx
Monday, 12 May 2008
A Miserable Monday?
The weather is back to wet and grey. We are off to the zoo today with my sister Nora and her hubbie Davy. The girls are very glad to be going. We have just started a project on animals so I am pretending that this trip is "educational".
Later on we have our prayer meeting here at the house. It is such a small attendance at the prayer meeting that we can all fit in here. How is it that the most important meeting of the church is often the least attended. We seem to think of the prayer meeting as some kind of punishment. I have never come away from a prayer meeting wishing I had never bothered to go. No matter how hard it is to pick myself up and go, I always am blessed. Prayer is not only there for us to beseech God on the behalf of others but prayer also does us good. When Moses communed with God his face shone.
I read a story the other day of a preacher who looked down into his congregation and was absolutely amazed to see a well known skeptic in the service. After the sermon he convinced the skeptic to return for the next 4 Sundays to hear the series he was doing on salvation. After the 4th Sunday the skeptic came and told thepreacher he had come to know Jesus.
"it wasn't so much through your sermons" he said," although they helped. After church I took an old frail ladies' arm and walked her down the steps. She looked up at me and asked, "Do you know my lovely Saviour?" When I looked at her she seemed to glow and I knew then there must be something in this if she could have such love that it would shine on her face".
Do you love Jesus? Do you spend time with Him? I wonder does it show on your face?
It's not a miserable Monday just because it is raining, let your face shine!
E. xx
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Strike a pose!
I was supposed to take a photo of the congregation this morning but I forgot. So this is Jonathan striking a pose for me! He was tidying up when I accosted him with my camera. I had the camera at the front of the church too as I was using it to speak to the children about the "instant" age we live in. Instant coffee, text messages, even reserving computer games so that the instant they are released we can get our hands on them. Another instant thing is asking Jesus into your heart. As soon as you utter the prayer that says you are sorry and seek His forgiveness He instantaneously makes you His child. The next bit is not so instant but none the less important as He wants us to be like Him. I have been a Christian for over 20 years and although I am glad to say there has been some growth in those years, I know that there is so much more for me to learn. I want to become more like Him and boy does that take work. All those corners that He needs to knock off me and the issues that He needs to address. I shared a verse from Hebrews 11 with the wee ones this morning. It says that "God was not ashamed to be called their (heroes of the faith) God" Wow I trust that God can say that of me. Little by little He is changing me. The problem is though the more I get to know Him and the closer we become the more I see His Glory and realise I have so much further to go. I want to be like Him and so it spurs me on. It does take time and effort but so do all good relationships. May we be imitators of Christ Jesus.
Bye for now. E. xx
Just a quick hello!
I just thought that I would say a quick hi before I go and get in to all the madness that is involved in this house to get ready to go to church. The photo is taken last night at the meeting we went to in Bathgate. Paul and Lydia were very busy colouring in.
I am nearly ready for Sunday school. I am going to call on those two wee girls Clair and Kourtney to come to Sunday school so if you get this now please pray that they will be allowed to come.
We are going to lunch with some friends in West Calder after lunch. They have 5 kids and have moved from Germany to Scotland in this past year. They also homeschool their kiddies.
Right I am off to get breakfast and get ready for His day. As usual can I encourage you to take part in worshipping Him not with a half hearted energy but with all the love and desire your heart should have for someone who has done for you what no other could ever have done. He deserves our everything. Give it to Him this morning!
Speak to you later. With love E. xx
Saturday, 10 May 2008
The Son is still there!
Jonathan took this photo a couple of days ago when I was on my way to the Scripture Union class I do. Just after it was taken I dropped my roll! Devastation, but I didn't starve.
Today we are back to grey skies, but even although we can't see the sun it's still there. Sometimes we are blinded by the momentary problems of life and wee miss the Son, but He is still there.
This morning the girls are off to their art class and I will try and get some things done round the house and get ready for Sunday school. Jonathan is studying as he is speaking and we are singing at a meeting tonight in Bathgate. We are going to Johnathan and Janets' for our tea first.
I hope God richly blesses your Saturday. He will if you give it to Him and put it into His hands. The Son is still there!
Friday, 9 May 2008
Edinburgh Rock!
Well it just goes to show that we should never organise anything to do on a nice day. As soon as we got to the point of going to the park it began to rain! Oh well, it's just as well that we are not in charge of the weather as no one would be happy.
There are so many things that I am glad that God is in control of and not me! I am glad that He controls my life and even on the days when life seems tough He is holding the reins. I am glad that He is in control of my future, I don't need to worry about anything as He has everything under control.
Edinburgh Castle is an amazing site. It is strong and kept enemies away with it's fortified building up on the rock. Jesus said that He would build His church on the Rock. The church He spoke of is us as believers and the Rock He pointed to is Himself. He went on to say that the very gates of hell would not prevail against that Church. Build your life on The Rock!
I'll be in touch. Love Elizabeth. xx
There are so many things that I am glad that God is in control of and not me! I am glad that He controls my life and even on the days when life seems tough He is holding the reins. I am glad that He is in control of my future, I don't need to worry about anything as He has everything under control.
Edinburgh Castle is an amazing site. It is strong and kept enemies away with it's fortified building up on the rock. Jesus said that He would build His church on the Rock. The church He spoke of is us as believers and the Rock He pointed to is Himself. He went on to say that the very gates of hell would not prevail against that Church. Build your life on The Rock!
I'll be in touch. Love Elizabeth. xx
In His Time!
Another beautiful day here in Edinburgh. We had a lovely day yesterday.
I had one of those wow moments. I was coming out of my school class and had just told the ladies there that we are leaving so they will have to find someone else. One of the ladies talked about the part of the Bible that talks about times and seasons.3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2 a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
The God-Given Task
9 What gain has the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
When I then went to the ladies meeting, Jenny from the Faith Mission read and spoke from that exact passage.
V11 says He has made everything beautiful in His time. Our lives can look mixed up and we can wish things were different but He is making our lives beautiful for Him. If we allow Him to.
Jonathan and the girls went to the beach and had a great time. I met up with my friend Ailsa. I would love her to become His. We can't push these things for in His time He makes all things beautiful. May you have a beautiful day!!!
We're off to the park! With love E. xx
Another beautiful day here in Edinburgh. We had a lovely day yesterday.
I had one of those wow moments. I was coming out of my school class and had just told the ladies there that we are leaving so they will have to find someone else. One of the ladies talked about the part of the Bible that talks about times and seasons.3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2 a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
The God-Given Task
9 What gain has the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
When I then went to the ladies meeting, Jenny from the Faith Mission read and spoke from that exact passage.
V11 says He has made everything beautiful in His time. Our lives can look mixed up and we can wish things were different but He is making our lives beautiful for Him. If we allow Him to.
Jonathan and the girls went to the beach and had a great time. I met up with my friend Ailsa. I would love her to become His. We can't push these things for in His time He makes all things beautiful. May you have a beautiful day!!!
We're off to the park! With love E. xx
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Who can you tell about Jesus today?
We had a lovely day yesterday with our friends. Lydia got a great sun tan. Who'd have thought it possible in Scotland? Only kidding! We all went to the park and we met two ladies at separate times. One was just a week away from having her third baby. She had just moved two months before and didn't know anyone. The second lady was Indian and she had 2 wee boys. Her husband is a surgeon in the hospital and works long hours. She has been here 6 months and doesn't know anyone. Both these ladies need friendship and fellowship but mostly they need the Lord. Has anyone moved into your area that you could share time with and also tell them about Jesus?
It is another beautiful day, far too nice to be inside. However I have my school class and the ladies' meeting, After that though I am meeting with Ailsa, my friend from school and we are going out for tea and that all important baby chat as sheis about 20 weeks pregnant!!
I was reading last night from Lysa TerKeursts' book, she was encouraging the reader to write in a notebook the ways that you see God working in your life throughout a day. I am sure we would be amazed to see His hand in everything we do. If we are His He is in everything we do. Be careful to honour Him today.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Out for lunch!
Hello all,
I trust today is a good day for you and that you rejoice with Him in whatever circumstances you find yourself. God is leading you and you just have to hold on to Him.
I did the visit yesterday with the housebound lady. We had a nice time and I tried to talk of the Lord. At the end when I read God's word I spoke about trusting in Him and He giving His angels charge over you. When I asked her if she was trusting she said she was. It is so hard though for I am not sure that she has a real relationship with Jesus. All we can pray for now is that God will bring whatever faith she has and help her to completely give herself to Him. People who "attend" church are often in my view the hardest to reach as they think they are fine.
Today we are off to visit with Donna and her 5 kids. They live in Dunfermline and homeschool there.
Anyhow, I'd best go and get ready and then at least attempt a little learning for the two little ladies in my care!
Bye for now. E. xx
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
No Timely tale today!
Good morning,
I trust you are all well and glad to be His this morning. I don't have a timely tale today as kay is speaking this morning and I am having a morning off! It is a nice feeling not to have to get something for the epilogue. This is the art of delegation I am told. Sometimes it may feel as if there is only you to do a job and maybe that's true. For a long time we have felt that in Gorgie and now God has brought along people who can help. When I read about Moses being depressed about the size of the task and God telling him that he would give him 70 men filled with His spirit to help then I became excited. Jonathan reminded me that it was 70 men amongst millions probably just like having 1 amongst 20! I am glad for the ones and twos who long to be filled with His Spirit but I think that I will still pray for the 70! The church today is filled with complacent comfortable Christians who are gliding through life and happy just to glean for themselves from God and not have to share. Are you one of those? We don't all have to be preachers and teachers for it would be an awful gaggle if we were. God has given you gifts. Hospitality is a gift that is mentioned in His word, a gift perhaps of seeing a job and just getting on with it with no need of instruction or praise. Encouragement is a gift and something we seem to find hard yet so appreciated when given. Read your Bible, get a notebook and go on an online commentary and look up gifts. Things like Bible reading,prayer, going to church, sharing your faith and tithing won't appear on a gift list as they are your requirements as a lover of God. With those you either obey or disobey. What are you doing for Him today? See ya later!
Monday, 5 May 2008
Going Grey?
Well we have just returned from being with our friends in Falkirk all day. We had a lovely time with them. We took the kids to a brand new play area and had lunch and then went back to their house and sat outside for the rest of the day. We had a nice Korma for tea!!! I think I must have left the camera there so it is an old photo you have just now.
The couple we met up with were in Bible college with us. We normally reminisce about those days evry time we meet up and today was no different as one of their kids brought out a photo of Jonathan and Hazel's year. I wish you could see it. Jonathan is so skinny with spiky hair, he looks like fido dido from the 7up ads. Google him if you are too young to remember!
Boy are we ageing! We talked quite a bit today about grey hair being your wisdom, that's how we are trying to console ourselves anyhow. Experience really is something that can't be bought or just taught in a class it has to be lived in real life. Whatever you go through is training you to somehow someday talk to someone who thinks that no one understands. 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Hebrews 2:18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Well I'm making soup right now as tomorrow, after the coffee morning I am off to visit a lady who is housebound. I'm taking the soup, Kay is taking the rolls and Jessie is taking the cakes, now that's teamwork!
Speak tomorrow! Love Elizabeth xx
Bank Holiday Monday!
Well it is another beautiful and bright morning. We are off to see our friends in Falkirk. I hope the weather stays good!
We had a good night last night with our friends from Gorgie Mission who come for supper. We chatted extensively about evangelism. I had heard a sermon earlier that said probably the greatest sin we commit as Christians is the fact that we don't tell others of the Jesus we have found. He said that 90% of Christian American men have never once shared the gospel. We spoke last night of the need of prayer. Nothing gets done except we pray!
Well I'll update later with the pics! For now here is another one of us!
Keep praying and sharing and putting Him first!
Love Eliz.
We had a good night last night with our friends from Gorgie Mission who come for supper. We chatted extensively about evangelism. I had heard a sermon earlier that said probably the greatest sin we commit as Christians is the fact that we don't tell others of the Jesus we have found. He said that 90% of Christian American men have never once shared the gospel. We spoke last night of the need of prayer. Nothing gets done except we pray!
Well I'll update later with the pics! For now here is another one of us!
Keep praying and sharing and putting Him first!
Love Eliz.
Sunday, 4 May 2008
"More photos of you!" I hear you say?
This is one of my favourite photos taken yesterday. The friends who took these photos did it out of the goodness of their hearts and gave us a gift of their time and talents. If you are ever looking for professional photographers these folks are great. When they get their website up and running I will put on a link. The company is called Lampros and the folks are Mac and Shona.
We had a good morning at Sunday school. As we are doing the fruits of the Spirit we are now on peace. We were all in the boat when the storm struck. "Who is this man that the wind and the waves obey Him?" The Disciples said, Jesus was dynamic. When He spoke things happened. Wouldn't it be great if we could say that of us. The Disciples had that kind of power bestowed upon them. Nothing gets done except that we pray and then we will start to see miracles happen! There's a book called, Don't just stand there pray something! Lets increase our prayers and see God move.
Speak tomorrow! E. xx
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Models R Us!
Had our photo shoot and all went well. Except for the fact that the youngest girl in the family wasn't in the mood for smiling!!! I guess at that age it is hard to put on emotion but she really looks glum for most of the photos. Also I am on a diet as they say the camera never lies! Jelly belly me then is starting a healthier eating plan tonight! I do eat well and healthy mostly but my weakness is crisps! It has to stop.
I love the fact that God loves us just the way we are warts and all. I also believe though that although God loves us just the way we are He loves us too much to leave us that way. He wants us to change inwardly to be more like Him. Outwardly we are all different yet inwardly we all have the same need of Jesus! Sunday tomorrow! Time to change, don't wait till Monday to start the diet of Bible reading and prayer for your everyday diet, begin now. There's no time like the present!
Love Elizabeth.xx
Too Little, Too Late!
Well it is Saturday morning and there are 10 minutes until the girls art class begins and we are all still in pyjamas! We had a small rush in attempt to get ready but it really was too little too late and we quickly realised that we are not going to make it. To be honest I am not even sure it is on this week as this is the Bank holiday week-end. We are going out for lunch to our friends house so we all do really need to have a bath!
I hope you have a good relaxing plan for today and that God richly blesses you with opportunities to speak of Him. I will be in touch later, God willing.
Love Elizabeth.
I hope you have a good relaxing plan for today and that God richly blesses you with opportunities to speak of Him. I will be in touch later, God willing.
Love Elizabeth.
Friday, 2 May 2008
That Friday Feeling!!
We're back from the big city. Here are the pics.
Guess where we had lunch?
Princes'Street was pretty busy! We didn't really manage to get what we went for either. Never mind have found it in the Faith Mission bookshop and Carole is picking it up. Her and I are meeting for a coffee and a blether while the girls are at One Way club.
I read a great quote last night from the book I've been telling you about." A life that requires very little faith is not a life that God will use. When we are willing to embark on a life that requires faith, we are more aware of God and His ability to provide for us in every detail of our lives. We won''t wait until everything in our lives is in order and then decide, okay now I have time to work on living by faith. We will never have everything in order, and faith can't be dispersed like a can of soda from a machine. Faith is learned through life. Through the messy and unpredictable everyday events that often stumble us, we become aware of our desperate need for God".
The Bible says that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed and we shall see mountains removed. Sometimes though it means moving the mountain rock by rock ourselves but we can deal with it as our faith in our supporting, loving God carries us through. That kind of faith changes the world, one person at a time!
Guess where we had lunch?
Princes'Street was pretty busy! We didn't really manage to get what we went for either. Never mind have found it in the Faith Mission bookshop and Carole is picking it up. Her and I are meeting for a coffee and a blether while the girls are at One Way club.
I read a great quote last night from the book I've been telling you about." A life that requires very little faith is not a life that God will use. When we are willing to embark on a life that requires faith, we are more aware of God and His ability to provide for us in every detail of our lives. We won''t wait until everything in our lives is in order and then decide, okay now I have time to work on living by faith. We will never have everything in order, and faith can't be dispersed like a can of soda from a machine. Faith is learned through life. Through the messy and unpredictable everyday events that often stumble us, we become aware of our desperate need for God".
The Bible says that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed and we shall see mountains removed. Sometimes though it means moving the mountain rock by rock ourselves but we can deal with it as our faith in our supporting, loving God carries us through. That kind of faith changes the world, one person at a time!
Beautiful day!
We girls are off shopping today, It's a hard life but someone has to do it! My mum lives in Fort William and so I have to go and get her a couple of dvd's from the Christian bookshop. We are very fortunate now with the amount of Christian literature that is available to us. We do complain how expensive it is but if we work out how good it is for us then I think that many times good books and dvd's and such like are worth it!
I am enjoying scrapbooking and even the girls want to have a go!
I am watching the news and it has just said about a little boys funeral today. He was 11 and he took his own life. How does life get that bad that a primary school boy kills himself? One of our young mum's in the Church is having quite a crisis of faith after hearing about that terrible event in Austria with a man hiding his daughter and subjecting her to attacks. She wonders where was God in all of this? There are so many things we can't explain or understand, the only thing I could say was that we should be so grateful that God has saved and changed us and our families have the greatest opportunities to live happy and contented lives. Sin causes damage and just look at family life all around. We have to live the life and show people there is another way. In fact He is the way, the Truth and the Life!
E. xx
Thursday, 1 May 2008
One door closes another one opens!
My friend Ailsa that I was meant to be meeting this evening for a bite to eat, got her dates mixed up and so was busy this evening. She is pregnant so I forgive her lack of diary skills. However as one door closes another opens and Marian invited us over for tea. She even took the girls early and I got a chance to clean the house. It was absolutely necessary!!!
We saw Vikings, Romans and Victorians today at the museum.
I had a small problem in that I threw Jonathan one of the "Roman" pennies and he missed it. It fell down one of the cracks in between two exhibits! I was ill! This is Jonathan fishing for it with a pamphlet and a bic pen! Thankfully he did manage to get the penny back. Phew!
See you tomorrow. Love Elizabeth.x
We saw Vikings, Romans and Victorians today at the museum.
I had a small problem in that I threw Jonathan one of the "Roman" pennies and he missed it. It fell down one of the cracks in between two exhibits! I was ill! This is Jonathan fishing for it with a pamphlet and a bic pen! Thankfully he did manage to get the penny back. Phew!
See you tomorrow. Love Elizabeth.x
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