Hello there,
I have had a very productive day off today. We had school finished by 9:30am and then by 10:30 we went off to the Gorgie Charity shops where I managed to pick up 5 Bible story videos for the kids for £1.75. When I got home we were starving and it was still only 12 o'clock!
Johnathan and Janet popped in and Bethany showed Ryan her photo scrapbook. After lunch they left and we guys went up to the roof for a while. Jonathan checked his washing!!!!!
The girls played with the sand and I tried to read my book but it was too sunny and the white pages nearly blinded me.
I came back down and started to try and do something with the place the girls call a bedroom. I did finally find a couple of beds!!! It took me a good 2 and a half hours to get any sort of order amongst the toys. Now we have just had tea and I am getting a wee quick write while girls are getting their pj's on.
Tomorrow I am off on the Gorgie Mission trip. We are going to Aberfoyle for our lunch and Stirling for shopping. Another go at Primark! My sister Nora is coming with me so I am very much looking forward to that. Well now I am going to have one last go at trying to organise the house then I am going to flop in a heap and read my book.
May you know His presence in the quiet moments of life and also in the busyness of living. May you see His hand in all you do and may you know the benefit of His guiding through all the paths whether smooth or rough. Will be in touch. E. xx
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