Good morning,
I trust you are all well and glad to be His this morning. I don't have a timely tale today as kay is speaking this morning and I am having a morning off! It is a nice feeling not to have to get something for the epilogue. This is the art of delegation I am told. Sometimes it may feel as if there is only you to do a job and maybe that's true. For a long time we have felt that in Gorgie and now God has brought along people who can help. When I read about Moses being depressed about the size of the task and God telling him that he would give him 70 men filled with His spirit to help then I became excited. Jonathan reminded me that it was 70 men amongst millions probably just like having 1 amongst 20! I am glad for the ones and twos who long to be filled with His Spirit but I think that I will still pray for the 70! The church today is filled with complacent comfortable Christians who are gliding through life and happy just to glean for themselves from God and not have to share. Are you one of those? We don't all have to be preachers and teachers for it would be an awful gaggle if we were. God has given you gifts. Hospitality is a gift that is mentioned in His word, a gift perhaps of seeing a job and just getting on with it with no need of instruction or praise. Encouragement is a gift and something we seem to find hard yet so appreciated when given. Read your Bible, get a notebook and go on an online commentary and look up gifts. Things like Bible reading,prayer, going to church, sharing your faith and tithing won't appear on a gift list as they are your requirements as a lover of God. With those you either obey or disobey. What are you doing for Him today? See ya later!
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