Thursday, 26 June 2008
I have returned!
I am sure if you were interested enough to wonder where I have been you would have thought I had emigrated down under! We have been away for a few days. First we spent a couple of days with my mum in Fort William and then went on to Skye where we spent a fab weekend. When we got back our friends came from Ireland and so we went for a few days to a camp site just a few miles from Edinburgh. They have just gone home this afternoon and so we are getting back to something people call work. I haven't done very much of it lately but not sure what is more exhausting, work or play! I hope all has gone well in your lives this past week. I will post some photos later. Bye for now!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Had computer probs this morning!
I did try to reach you this morning but the computer wasn't obeying me! I hope you are well. We have a new home with all this cleaning that's gone on! Unfortunately it doesn't know how to stay that way! I thought I should show you a pic before it all changes.
We are getting ready this evening to head off in the morning to Fort William to stay with my mum for a couple of days and then on to Skye to take some services on Sunday! I don't know if I will be able to check in with you but I will try. If not will speak to you as soon as possible. You can also find me at Facebook and Bebo. See you soon. Love Elizabeth. xx
Monday, 16 June 2008
Cleaning day!
Well it has finally come to the stage where if I don't do something with my house we will never be found again under the rubble of stuff!
Jonathan very kindly has agreed to do school and I am on a marathon adventure around the house to make a difference by the end of the day! So for now I will go and may show you the end achievements on the blog later.Don't get too excited tho!
See ya! Love Elizabeth. xx
Jonathan very kindly has agreed to do school and I am on a marathon adventure around the house to make a difference by the end of the day! So for now I will go and may show you the end achievements on the blog later.Don't get too excited tho!
See ya! Love Elizabeth. xx
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Gorgie Mission Gala!
These pics were taken yesterday at the Gorgie/Dalry gala. We ahd a good day despite the weather forecast predictions. We managed to have just a couple of good conversations with folks but handed out a lot of literature with only a couple of refusals. We now leave the Holy Spirit to do the job of speaking on through the leaflets that have gone into homes where we could never get.
The ladies did a fabulous job on the stall and made over £640 for the youth work fund. They work tirelessly at this all year making jams and such like in preparation so we are very grateful for all they do. This is us counting the money last night!!!!
Today was a very small day at Sunday school with only 4 but we nevertheless had a good time and now we have just had a special meal for Father's day. Jon is a great Father and has always been very involved in the upbringing of the girls. They love him and respect him. In many ways they are like him too. I hope they go on to be like him in their Christian lives too. Like him may they love their Saviour wholeheartedly and serve Him no matter what the cost. Ultimately may they be just like their Heavenly Father. It's what I want for my life too. What about you?
Friday, 13 June 2008
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Where do the days go?
The computer for some reason is going very slow today and I am getting bit fed up. So I won't be too long you will be glad to know. I am off to town this morn and Jon is doing school. I have a couple o birthdays to buy for and as usual am at the last minute! The saying goes better late then never but my Dad used to say better never late! So I am off! Have a good day! Use it wisely and start it well. Bye for now. E. x
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
The first day of the rest of your life?
We had a brilliant day yesterday. School went really well and we were finished in no time at all. I got many of the jobs done that I had wanted to get done. I appreciated just having time to do stuff that often gets overlooked in the busyness of life. We even watched together some Little House on the Prairie which my kids really love.
Time with the family is very important and people tell you all the time to take it as it goes so fast. Days do just speed by don't they and we will never be able to get them again. Make every day count in your lives and the lives of those you are with. Someone said live every day as if it were your last. I agree with that but would add live every day as if you knew Jesus was coming back that night. For He may just return today. For at such a time as you think not the Son of man is coming. Be prepared and live life so that you have no regrets. You will never say at the end of your life "I wish I had spent more time at the office", but you may indeed say "I wish I had spent more time with the Lord and my family", do it now!
Enjoy this day, with love Elizabeth. xx
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
World of facebook.
I forgot to take a pic last night but I really should have. We have never had as many as 8 at the prayer meeting before and it was great!
Today we are doing just ordinary things like school and washing and cleaning and maybe a trip to return the books to the library and such like menial tasks. I am glad though of the opportunity to get these things done as many of them are long overdue.
We have finally joined the world of Facebook and are finding it great being in touch with people that we have not seen or hardly heard of for years. People who are across the world as missionaries and you look them up and get instant info on their lives. It means that no one is so very far away now as they are so accessible. Prayer is our Facebook of Heaven I guess, all we have to do is talk to our Father in Heaven and He doesn't seem so very far away. It takes consistency though and keeping updating our prayers every day. All we are is what we are on our knees. If you don't spend time with God in prayer everything else that you do will cease to be as effective as it could be if you had just started the day with Him. Now I had best take my own advice and that is just what I will go and do. Speak later, Love Eliz. xx
Monday, 9 June 2008
A couple of animals off Noah's Ark?
We have returned from Perth where we went to get some tracts for Saturdays Gala. They found us what we needed in the shop which was great and even very kindly gave us discount. The tracts are really good and we are glad to have got them.
After the tract hunting we went to the Noah's Ark. The pictures of the girls were taken there. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
We have the prayer meeting at our place tonight. There is a fab verse that says " When my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then will I hear from Heaven, I will forgive their sin and heal their land". That's what we want and all the gimmicks in the world won't achieve it but prayer will. Make sure you attend your church prayer meeting this week and seek God.
Bye, E. xx
Off to Noah's Ark!
I am back to as normal as I get! We are off to Perth this morning to hopefully pick up some tracts to hand out at the local Gala day that is happening here on Saturday. It is an exciting time when we can speak to folks about Jesus. We hope we get literature that really takes peoples attention and then that they come to faith in Him through it.
Well I am off to do just that and the girls are looking forward to a day out. We are going to Noah's Ark in Perth, not the real one I don't think but who knows? See you later. Love Elizabeth. xx
I am back to as normal as I get! We are off to Perth this morning to hopefully pick up some tracts to hand out at the local Gala day that is happening here on Saturday. It is an exciting time when we can speak to folks about Jesus. We hope we get literature that really takes peoples attention and then that they come to faith in Him through it.
Well I am off to do just that and the girls are looking forward to a day out. We are going to Noah's Ark in Perth, not the real one I don't think but who knows? See you later. Love Elizabeth. xx
Friday, 6 June 2008
I haven't fallen of the face of the earth!
Hi there, sorry I have not been in touch but we are in Portadown Ireland at friends, Robert and Alison Orr. We have come over for Robert's licensing service which is like a farewell from his church as he has entered the ministry with the Presbyterian church. It was a really good service and we are very proud of them and all that they stand for. We were all in the Faith Mission and know that our background there stands us in good stead for whatever God leads us on to.
We return home tomorrow and tomorrow night I have a few of my school friends coming over for tea. I hope that I will get opportunities to speak of Jesus and what He means to me. Trust you are ll well and I will get back to writing my blog. I have missed it but time has not been on my side these last few days. Anyhow will go for now and will be in touch soon. Take care. Love Elizabeth. xx
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
My Sister's Birthday!
True to our family traditions , the day we had organised to go on a picnic was the day the rain poured! There were even flash flood warnings. It is so typical of us. We had arranged to go to a farm park in Jedburgh but instead went to Costco. We know how to live it up huh? Well we went to Peebles as well. It is a lovely little town with many, many charity shops. Great for Wilma and I but not so good for the birthday girl. Nevertheless we all enjoyed ourselves.
David and Wilma have now begun their journey on their way back to Greece. While we will miss them we know that there is no better nor safer place to be than right in the centre of God's will. Are you sure that you are in the centre of God's will for your life. Have you heard Him speaking to you and telling you to do something for Him but you have followed your own plans for your life. Other things have come in the way and now you know something of a barrier between God and you. It is not too late to put it right and seek God's perfect, yes no matter what it is it is His perfect will for your life. Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths". It really is as easy as that. Night. E. xx
Monday, 2 June 2008
You'll never guess what happened!
Hi there,
I had a great day yesterday with all sorts going on to keep me occupied that's for sure. The you'll never guess what happened thing was the fact that one of the girls that I have been trying so hard to get to come to Sunday school came!!!! I was so thrilled and she seemed to enjoy herself and hopefully next week she will come again. The other one now goes to stay with her mum every week-end. God is so good as I was having a little bit of a stressful morning getting organised and when I sat in the service I realised again what an amazing God He is.

Today I am starting late at everything as I am on a go slow but hopefully I will catch up later and get all that needs to be done, done! It is Nora my sisters birthday tomorrow and I still can't think what to get her so I have to head off to the shops in a while.
We have just reached the world of facebook so that is what I have been doing for the last half hour. Ah well time to face the day.

I hope you have a great Monday and that all the blessings you received through the Word of God yesterday keep you in close fellowship with your Saviour. He is so great and perhaps you have forgotten a little bit about how great He is. Ask Him to show you something of His power in your life and the lives of those around you. Speak of Him, Invite others to know Him through not only your words but also through your life. Be like Him, but most importantly spend time with Him.
Bless you today, Love Elizabeth.x
P.S The reason I have all these weird photos inserted is that yesterday our friend Andrew told me that my pics were always the same so I thought I'd have to be a little different today! I take constructive criticism well don't you think?
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