Hi there, sorry I have not been in touch but we are in Portadown Ireland at friends, Robert and Alison Orr. We have come over for Robert's licensing service which is like a farewell from his church as he has entered the ministry with the Presbyterian church. It was a really good service and we are very proud of them and all that they stand for. We were all in the Faith Mission and know that our background there stands us in good stead for whatever God leads us on to.
We return home tomorrow and tomorrow night I have a few of my school friends coming over for tea. I hope that I will get opportunities to speak of Jesus and what He means to me. Trust you are ll well and I will get back to writing my blog. I have missed it but time has not been on my side these last few days. Anyhow will go for now and will be in touch soon. Take care. Love Elizabeth. xx
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