I forgot to take a pic last night but I really should have. We have never had as many as 8 at the prayer meeting before and it was great!
Today we are doing just ordinary things like school and washing and cleaning and maybe a trip to return the books to the library and such like menial tasks. I am glad though of the opportunity to get these things done as many of them are long overdue.
We have finally joined the world of Facebook and are finding it great being in touch with people that we have not seen or hardly heard of for years. People who are across the world as missionaries and you look them up and get instant info on their lives. It means that no one is so very far away now as they are so accessible. Prayer is our Facebook of Heaven I guess, all we have to do is talk to our Father in Heaven and He doesn't seem so very far away. It takes consistency though and keeping updating our prayers every day. All we are is what we are on our knees. If you don't spend time with God in prayer everything else that you do will cease to be as effective as it could be if you had just started the day with Him. Now I had best take my own advice and that is just what I will go and do. Speak later, Love Eliz. xx
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