In the intervening days much has gone on in our lives. Wilma, my sister who is a missionary in Greece came home for a few days and us girls went to visit "Granny" in Fort William. We had a good time and spent some time with My Gran who will be 99 in February.

My brother Neil and Sister in law Kath came for one of the days while we were there so we had a lot of fun.
Gorgie Mission's evening service folks had a nice meal out. It is good as a fellowship to get together and spend some time.
We have spent a lot of time with friends.

We went with the homeschool group to Holyrood Palace. It was great and I am not ashamed to say something of that size in Skye would be great!!!!! I don't fancy the dusting though!
The girls had a big haircut too. Done by the professional hairdresser..... me! If a hairdresser saw it they may have a heart attack!

We have had a Thanksgiving party and one of the girls from Girls Brigade came with her mum and they are coming back to our Christmas party this week. It is all go now for Christmas.
Today we have been to the GB carol service. It is sad to see that so many organisations are suffering from the lack of girls and boys being committed enough to go and to keep going. It is a lesson for us that we remain committed entirely to Jesus and we show Him to be worthy of our commitment. Blessings, Eliz. xx
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