We have been practicing very hard in Sunday School for our Nativity play which will be shown next Sunday. Yesterday we were really glad to have Mark and Rhonda Beattie come in the morning and share with us their plans for going to Russia as Missionaries. They stayed for lunch... leftovers from our Christmas party on Friday night.

This past week the coffee morning also ended this session with a Christmas dinner!

We are turkeyed out and it isn't even Christmas day yet!
On Wednesday we had a good time with the homeschool group in Gorgie Mission. I did over an hour of games with them so by the next day my legs had seized up... another sign of my age! Then they had loads of crafts and songs and stories so they all had a great time.
Lydia has got herself a little tummy bug and is not feeling very well today. Hopefully she will recover soon as she is Mary in the Girls Brigade nativity tonight. Bethany is Ceasar Augustus!!
We had the privilege of Stuart staying with us last night on his way back to Skye from Norfolk. We had a blast and while he was here we looked up the house we had claimed as ours in Skye on the estate agents website. It had a big taken sign across it. Small disappointment for a few minutes led to the absolute knowledge that our God is in control and we have no doubt if that is the one that is for us it will be ready for us at just the right time. Not ours but His! Perhaps He has somewhere else in store.It is great that we are not in control of these things. Hudson Taylor said "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply" He will supply the house... without doubt! Trust Him these days for your lives. So often we as Christians miss out on so much as we are so self sufficient. We need to be much more reliant on God and then we will see great things that He can do!
God bless you this week as you prepare to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Love Eliz. xx
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