Last night then we had the presentation from Roger on the Dorothea Mission
Your heart really goes out to some of these children who although are not starving they are hungry. They only have the one set of clothes and they have no toys. Many of them will not make it to teenage years due to the many illnesses that are around including Malaria. One of the Pastors had his own children and then quite a few adopted ones that he had either found along the side of the road or had come to him because his brother had died. Wow we are so fortunate in our country. We moan plenty but in reality what have we to moan about? In these places they are so open to the Gospel. They come early in the morning and bring their own chair to make sure they can get a front seat! They stay their for hours and hang on every word that is spoken... don't you long for that in our country? I do... pray on!
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