Here we have pics of Peter and lovely spring and also the girls on a mock up version of the famous Edinburgh tram!
Samuel and the girls and I did some gluten free baking on Friday afternoon. We tried to make fudge but it just did not go well... think I need to try another fudge recipe! I will blame that anyhow.
On Saturday the girls went off to stay at their friends for a sleepover. I reckon they should call them an awake over though as definitely not enough sleep was had!
We had a great time at Sunday school and look what we made.... these specs help us to see who to serve as Jesus would serve them!!! Serve specs I think they could catch on... but if I hear they are already on the market I will know it was one of you!!!!
Peter is here till Tuesday and so tonight we are off to Papau New Guinea... with the girls brigade doing a little presentation of it for the women's world day of prayer. Then I will take him along to the coffee morning tomorrow before he goes. I think he will take some time today recovering from a Tink Sunday... it is all go, but we will not give him much time to get over it as we are dogsitting Sally and so off up Arthurs' Seat me thinks!
May God bless you in all your endeavours for Him... but remember it is all for Him and so consult Him to have guidance and help. So often we can be so involved in God's work that we fail to include the very God for whom we work. Put Him first!
Last nights sermon was from Hebrews 12:14 "Pursue peace with everyone and holiness- without it no one will see the Lord" Let's be different.... not wacky just holy like Jesus! Blessings. xxxx
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