Wednesday, 30 April 2008
A Chance Encounter?
Today I was thinking about one of the young mums who comes to Gorgie and realised that as yet we had not been able to tell her of the fact that we are leaving in a year. I wanted it to come from us and in my mind just wondered if I might see her today. On our way back from getting the photos developed there she was with the twins, Terry and Frankie and her nephew Kyle. They came up for a wee cup of tea and she was delighted that my house looked so untidy. This is a photo of the twins with "spy" goggles on!
Also while the girls and I were sitting looking at the photos in the supermarket one of the dad's of a girl who had come to our clubs a few years ago came up and spoke. This man is a heartbroken man who has struggled with life after the death of his son. At one point a couple of years ago we spoke to him and he cried and said that God could never love him. Since that time he would never really speak to us. I was amazed that he came up to us and said hello. Are these chance encounters? I don't think so. Our lives are so exciting when we allow God to take care of the schedules.
A change for the better!
Can you believe how much the weather has changed from this morning? It is lovely now and so we are heading out! Just thought I'd share the change in temperature with you. We have finished school and had our dinner and it's not even 4 o'clock! So unlike me to be so organised! We have heard from three homeschool families who live in the Highlands. It has been great to get in contact and God is really putting His seal on our going. We were really hoping there would be some kind of group that meets with other homeschoolers. This group doesn't seem to be going long but it is there and already has a few families. God is gracious and kind when it comes to sorting out all the details!
Speak later, E.xx
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Dreich!!! ( Means yucky day in scots)
Wednesday today! I like this day as I get some jobs done. Today after school I had hoped to get out to the park with the girls but true to Scottish weather it has decided to leave yesterdays sun behind and it is wet! This is a picture from our front room window. Doesn't entice you out does it?.
Jonathan is studying for the Bible Study that meets at the Mission tonight. I am hoping to begin my scrapbooking experience so I am going to go to Sainsbury's and get my photos developed. I don't know where all these new hobbies have come from. It started with blogging and now I have moved on to scrapbooking. I got a journal thingy from one of those bargain bookshops. The pound shops also sell bits and pieces for the decorations.I have decided to keep a record of the events that this year brings. It makes me think of all the things that God records about me. He keeps record of everything I do, He catches my tears in a bottle and He even knows the number of hairs on my head. That's a lot as I have mad thick curly hair! The important thing is He knows all about me. Even when my day seems mundane, He knows about it.
I am sure my attempts at scrapbooking will not be very good, but hey it's worth a shot and we will enjoy looking at it in years to come. If God was to show you a remembrance book of your life since you became a Christian would there be a difference? Have you grown more like Him? There's a saying that used to be about, " If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Do people know you love Jesus? Don't be ashamed to bear His name!
I am sure my attempts at scrapbooking will not be very good, but hey it's worth a shot and we will enjoy looking at it in years to come. If God was to show you a remembrance book of your life since you became a Christian would there be a difference? Have you grown more like Him? There's a saying that used to be about, " If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Do people know you love Jesus? Don't be ashamed to bear His name!
Isle of Skye here we come!
Hello to all today!
I just noticed that Tuesdays Timely tale has Monday's date on it! There seems to be a wee problem with the blogs clock and I (surprisingly) don't know how to fix it.
Anyhow the coffee morning went well with a fairly good crowd in. There was a little bit of sadness as at the business meeting for our church last night, Jonathan read out our letter of resignation. We feel God has been calling us to the Isle of Skye for some time now.This is a picture we took while on holiday. It really is far more beautiful than this picture shows.
God has confirmed this call through His Word and we hope to move there next May. Our role there as yet is still in God's plans, but there are many opportunities to get involved in the community life of the village and church there. We look to God to lead us and guide us every step of the way and all the while He is revealing His plans we want to be open to His leading. Gorgie Mission has been our lives for the past 4 years and we will continue to be involved during this year. We are looking to God to also lead and guide them. It has been a hard decision and it is with sadness we leave but also with excitement over the next chapter in our life and work for Jesus. I hope that over this year as you make the transition with us through this blog that we will all have lots to thank God for. His Word says in Jeremiah 29: 11 " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope". That is a promise for all you who love God. Someone has said you can't break God's promises by standing on them. Claim this one for yourself!
I just noticed that Tuesdays Timely tale has Monday's date on it! There seems to be a wee problem with the blogs clock and I (surprisingly) don't know how to fix it.
Anyhow the coffee morning went well with a fairly good crowd in. There was a little bit of sadness as at the business meeting for our church last night, Jonathan read out our letter of resignation. We feel God has been calling us to the Isle of Skye for some time now.This is a picture we took while on holiday. It really is far more beautiful than this picture shows.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Tuesday's Timely Tale.
Have you ever noticed how sometimes God uses stories and readings to speak to us right where we are at? The story I am going to tell today at the coffee morn is entitled "How Much Does Prayer Weigh?" It is a fantastic story of how God still does miraculous things, here's the story. Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food.
John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave His store. Visualizing the family needs, she said: 'Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can."
John told her he could not give her credit, as she did not have a charge account at his store.
Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocerman that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family.
The grocerman said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?" Louise replied "Yes sir" "O.K." he said, "put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries."
Louise, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed.
The eyes of the grocerman and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down. The grocerman staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it."
The customer smiled and the grocerman started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The grocerman stood there in utter disgust.
Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer which said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands."
The grocerman gave her the groceries that he had gathered and placed on the scales and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to John as he said, "It was worth every penny of it."
It was sometime later that John Longhouse discovered the scales were broken; therefore, only God knows how much a prayer weighs. I am amazed so often at the way God provides. Let Him take the burdens of care and need that are on your shoulders. He will provide what you need and show you Himself through the experience.
John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave His store. Visualizing the family needs, she said: 'Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can."
John told her he could not give her credit, as she did not have a charge account at his store.
Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocerman that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family.
The grocerman said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?" Louise replied "Yes sir" "O.K." he said, "put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries."
Louise, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed.
The eyes of the grocerman and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down. The grocerman staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it."
The customer smiled and the grocerman started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The grocerman stood there in utter disgust.
Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer which said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands."
The grocerman gave her the groceries that he had gathered and placed on the scales and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to John as he said, "It was worth every penny of it."
It was sometime later that John Longhouse discovered the scales were broken; therefore, only God knows how much a prayer weighs. I am amazed so often at the way God provides. Let Him take the burdens of care and need that are on your shoulders. He will provide what you need and show you Himself through the experience.
Hello to all!
We are having a fairly relaxing Monday after a hectic week-end. It was a good week-end though! This is the girls just now. Bethany is doing craft (no surprise there) and Lydia is blowing bubbles and both watching Narnia. Such multi tasking women they will be!!
I have just been reading a new book I got by Lysa TerKeurst. It is called,"What happens when women walk in faith" She writes," As we have seen in Hebrews 11, God doesn't seek out perfect people to do His work. I mistakenly believed at first that I needed to be perfect to serve God effectively. I think many people believe the lie that they must achieve a life of perfection before they can begin a life of faith. But I learned that God uses our imperfections and our willingness to share our mistakes to reach the hearts of the lost. As I speak to women all over the country, I share my mistakes, my clumsiness and my most embarrassing moments. While I am sharing, I watch. I watch their laughter give way to relief. These women seem to be saying to themselves, If God can use her, surely He can use me! Are you waiting till you arrive at perfection to step out in service to God? Are you afraid to show the real you for fear it will hinder your ministry? Don't be afraid to start where you are and be who you are. Blessed are the transparent, for they shall be used by God in a mighty way. How might God use you, weaknesses and all, to minister to other people?"
It is a good book, and the other one I read by her was called,"What happens when women say yes to God".
I was reading in Jeremiah 3 where God is calling Israel to return to Him even though they have backslidden so many times. God's grace is inexhaustible. There has to be the coming back part though and that is our responsibility. None of us are perfect that's for sure, but if we give ourselves to God He can use us, failures and all!
We are having a fairly relaxing Monday after a hectic week-end. It was a good week-end though! This is the girls just now. Bethany is doing craft (no surprise there) and Lydia is blowing bubbles and both watching Narnia. Such multi tasking women they will be!!
I have just been reading a new book I got by Lysa TerKeurst. It is called,"What happens when women walk in faith" She writes," As we have seen in Hebrews 11, God doesn't seek out perfect people to do His work. I mistakenly believed at first that I needed to be perfect to serve God effectively. I think many people believe the lie that they must achieve a life of perfection before they can begin a life of faith. But I learned that God uses our imperfections and our willingness to share our mistakes to reach the hearts of the lost. As I speak to women all over the country, I share my mistakes, my clumsiness and my most embarrassing moments. While I am sharing, I watch. I watch their laughter give way to relief. These women seem to be saying to themselves, If God can use her, surely He can use me! Are you waiting till you arrive at perfection to step out in service to God? Are you afraid to show the real you for fear it will hinder your ministry? Don't be afraid to start where you are and be who you are. Blessed are the transparent, for they shall be used by God in a mighty way. How might God use you, weaknesses and all, to minister to other people?"
It is a good book, and the other one I read by her was called,"What happens when women say yes to God".
I was reading in Jeremiah 3 where God is calling Israel to return to Him even though they have backslidden so many times. God's grace is inexhaustible. There has to be the coming back part though and that is our responsibility. None of us are perfect that's for sure, but if we give ourselves to God He can use us, failures and all!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Walking, leaping and praising God.
Hello did you think that I have forgotten about you all? No worries as here I am. Had a busy Sunday as usual. I went to call for the 2 wee girls that had promised to come to Sunday School but one wasn't in and one wasn't allowed. Will keep trying though and hopefully they will get to come eventually. Sunday school today was all about joy. We thought about the lame man at the Beautiful Temple gate. He asked Peter for money and got something far more life changing. Peter said " In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And all the people saw him walking and leaping and praising God". That must have been real joy!! I have stubbed my toe and it is all black and blue so for now there is no leaping! This is a picture of our wee class and also Penny the parrot with Frankie's hat on.

We went to Andrew and Marian's for lunch they have a fantastic view from their front garden of the Forth Rail Bridge and on the other side the Road Bridge.
It was the after fellowship at church tonight and we had a time of singing and sharing. It was lovely to hear of one lady who has returned to her love of Jesus. We sang Turn your eyes upon Jesus. The second verse says, Keep your eyes upon Jesus let nobody else take His place. So that hour by hour you may know His power. Till at last you have run the great race. It is easy to let your eyes wander from the face of Jesus and let other things take His place. It has to be your decision to keep looking to Him. Spend time with Him and focus your gaze! Will be in touch soon. With love, Elizabeth xx
We went to Andrew and Marian's for lunch they have a fantastic view from their front garden of the Forth Rail Bridge and on the other side the Road Bridge.
It was the after fellowship at church tonight and we had a time of singing and sharing. It was lovely to hear of one lady who has returned to her love of Jesus. We sang Turn your eyes upon Jesus. The second verse says, Keep your eyes upon Jesus let nobody else take His place. So that hour by hour you may know His power. Till at last you have run the great race. It is easy to let your eyes wander from the face of Jesus and let other things take His place. It has to be your decision to keep looking to Him. Spend time with Him and focus your gaze! Will be in touch soon. With love, Elizabeth xx
Saturday, 26 April 2008
One whole week blogging!!!
I have so enjoyed this blogging experience and if it is being read I hope you are enjoying it too. We have had quite a busy day with lots of fun. It has been lovely here and we managed to sit up on the roof for a while until it got a little windy.

The girls all seemed to have a great time.
Our friends Carole and Hannah dropped by too for coffee and it was nice to catch up. Hannah is at the Faith Mission Bible college training for Missionary service. Someone once said " If God calls you to be a missionary don't stoop to be a King". There's no higher calling than in to the service of God. While it may not be God's will for us all to be students at a Bible college it is His will for us to be missionaries right where we are.
Lydia's form of evangelism seemed to be a little extreme as she tied the neighbours in to their house. She was making a tent really we were just glad they didn't try to open their door.
Well back to Sunday School prep as usual at the last minute. Have a great day tomorrow. Remember to put your all into the services you are a part of. Give to God in your worship and care for your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Promise I will try too!!
The girls all seemed to have a great time.
Our friends Carole and Hannah dropped by too for coffee and it was nice to catch up. Hannah is at the Faith Mission Bible college training for Missionary service. Someone once said " If God calls you to be a missionary don't stoop to be a King". There's no higher calling than in to the service of God. While it may not be God's will for us all to be students at a Bible college it is His will for us to be missionaries right where we are.
Lydia's form of evangelism seemed to be a little extreme as she tied the neighbours in to their house. She was making a tent really we were just glad they didn't try to open their door.
Crafty Kids!
Saturday morning and just having our breakfast. The girls then have to get dressed and they go to an art and craft class which they love. They love anything crafty which is why my recycling bucket is out and they are trying to find two tins so they can make a telephone! It is such a great stage, don't our kids grow up too fast now? I was talking to a man the other day who said that in inner city Edinburgh childhood ends at 6 years old. Crazy but very true in many situations.
We have Marian and Alba and Sara coming over for lunch and they are bringing Vicki a friend and her daughter Charli. They also homeshool but have no connection with church at all. I hope we get the opportunity to break down some of the fears that she has about church and how she thinks Christians are. I love opportunities to show that our faith doesn't mean we are more special than anyone else as God loves them too. Our faith shows how special God is and we should remember that we are only who and what we are because of Him.
I think that I will make some of Cynthia's pancakes for lunch, maybe with bacon and sausages and maple syrup. What do you mean uurgh? They can put whatever they like on it! Will put in photos later as they come during the day.
Have a relaxing day! Love Elizabeth. xx
We have Marian and Alba and Sara coming over for lunch and they are bringing Vicki a friend and her daughter Charli. They also homeshool but have no connection with church at all. I hope we get the opportunity to break down some of the fears that she has about church and how she thinks Christians are. I love opportunities to show that our faith doesn't mean we are more special than anyone else as God loves them too. Our faith shows how special God is and we should remember that we are only who and what we are because of Him.
I think that I will make some of Cynthia's pancakes for lunch, maybe with bacon and sausages and maple syrup. What do you mean uurgh? They can put whatever they like on it! Will put in photos later as they come during the day.
Have a relaxing day! Love Elizabeth. xx
Friday, 25 April 2008
This is a picture of the kids who came today to Family time. We were thrilled to meet a couple of girls out on the street who we had been in touch with once before.
I was amazed when telling the story that they had never heard of Jesus dying on the cross. I don't know why I was amazed because the Bible tells us how can they know without a preacher. Day after day the Lord is showing me the real need for missionaries in this country. Our friend Kirsty always comes to club too with her lovely Daniel and Rosea. This is her helping with the hand puppet craft.
Well I am off to take the kids to the next club. Like a taxi service this isn't it at times? This was them just a few minutes ago.
I had better sign of for the night and will be in touch tomorrow. Happy Friday night!
Feel good Friday.
Morning all,
Trust all is well with you. It is a bright and beautiful day here at the moment and the girls are up skipping on the flat roof garden thingy. They also have chalk so it could be some mess up there.
Stuart is going to pick up his "new" car today and head back to Skye. He is trying to help me set up an account on Facebook so watch out for that. We have a club at Gorgie today called Family Time, we don't have very many who come, but the girls love doing the craft so it is worth it just for them. Then they have One Way club at Carrubers Christian centre here in Edinburgh. They invited a friend Catriona last week and she loved it so she is coming back today. It is a brilliant club. As important as it is for us to have fellowship it is also important that our kids have fellowship with other kids in sunday school and clubs. I have often thought of how I can not make my children Christians but when they do accept Jesus as Saviour for themselves it is certainly my responsibility to disciple them and help them on the Christian pathway. We have a great responsibility to train up our young people to reach their own generation for Jesus Christ. Stuart and Jonathan have been on the computer all morning and now I have got back to finish the blog at last!!! It is no longer morning, but school is all done and the spag bol is nearly ready. Great when it all works out, if only it was always so simple!!
Bye for now.
Trust all is well with you. It is a bright and beautiful day here at the moment and the girls are up skipping on the flat roof garden thingy. They also have chalk so it could be some mess up there.
Stuart is going to pick up his "new" car today and head back to Skye. He is trying to help me set up an account on Facebook so watch out for that. We have a club at Gorgie today called Family Time, we don't have very many who come, but the girls love doing the craft so it is worth it just for them. Then they have One Way club at Carrubers Christian centre here in Edinburgh. They invited a friend Catriona last week and she loved it so she is coming back today. It is a brilliant club. As important as it is for us to have fellowship it is also important that our kids have fellowship with other kids in sunday school and clubs. I have often thought of how I can not make my children Christians but when they do accept Jesus as Saviour for themselves it is certainly my responsibility to disciple them and help them on the Christian pathway. We have a great responsibility to train up our young people to reach their own generation for Jesus Christ. Stuart and Jonathan have been on the computer all morning and now I have got back to finish the blog at last!!! It is no longer morning, but school is all done and the spag bol is nearly ready. Great when it all works out, if only it was always so simple!!
Bye for now.
This Blog has been hijacked!!
Hah! Stuart here. Elizabeth made the mistake of leaving her computer with her blogging account logged on whilest schooling the girls so I have decided to hijack the blog! I am being an uninvited guest blogger!
I'm having a great time staying here in Gorgie - just enjoyed the classic 'Tink's breakfast special' - a mixture of 9 cerials in 1 bowl. I was sceptical but I have to admit it was lovely!
Must go now before I get caught! Have a great day - thanks to the Tinks for putting me up and putting up with me! Stuart.
I'm having a great time staying here in Gorgie - just enjoyed the classic 'Tink's breakfast special' - a mixture of 9 cerials in 1 bowl. I was sceptical but I have to admit it was lovely!
Must go now before I get caught! Have a great day - thanks to the Tinks for putting me up and putting up with me! Stuart.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Stuart has come to visit.
Evenin all,
Our friend Stuart has come to visit tonight. Well when I say visit I mean he has come to pick up a car and needs a place to crash! Not the car I mean! This is him.
I had a really good time at Scripture Union and the kids were as well behaved as I have ever had them. We discussed what they thought Church is like and out of about 10 kids only one had ever been to church before. I was absolutely astounded about that. We need good missionaries to this country. This is the school that I do SU in.
Then off I went to the ladies meeting where Bill MacGillvary a retired missionary spoke. He spoke off a time when God spoke to him to go to a random place. Although the request was weird he obeyed and on the way in the car to this place he saw a fellow hitch hiking and stopped to give him a lift. When the fellow opened the door he recognised Bill and got into the car. It turned out that he and run away from a secure unit and had cut his throat so bleeding and upset Bill looked after him and was able to return him to the unit. All because he had listened to the prompting of God.
More chores today this time in the hall.
Right I better go and make coffee for our "guest" and hubbie, oh and me too. Will be in touch soon. Listen to the Spirit's prompting, your life will be so much more interesting that's for sure. Love E. xx
Our friend Stuart has come to visit tonight. Well when I say visit I mean he has come to pick up a car and needs a place to crash! Not the car I mean! This is him.
More chores today this time in the hall.
Right I better go and make coffee for our "guest" and hubbie, oh and me too. Will be in touch soon. Listen to the Spirit's prompting, your life will be so much more interesting that's for sure. Love E. xx
Never quite ready!
Morning!!! I have a couple of hours to do all the stuff that I have to do. Today I help at a Scripture Union class and right now I have no idea what it is that I am going to do with them for 40 minutes. I know that it is valuable time that I spend with these inner city kids who come from some terrible situations but sometimes it is so hard to get them to do anything. The one thing they normally are good at is listening to the story from God's Word. God's Word can calm the storm that's for sure. I also need to get to choose a few choruses for the ladies meeting that happens straight after S.U. Jessie is still away on holidays so my job has moved from tea pourer to song leader. God has a job for all of us to do and none more important than another, we need someone to make and pour the tea just as much as someone up at the front.
It's our turn to clean the church, joy! Another of those necessary jobs that may not bring so much joy but God is pleased when we do it with an attitude of service.
I'll try to remember to take some photos during the day and post them later. If you have time go to the link section and click on the free cd tracts link . Then scroll down to the witness section and click on the story of Mr Genor. The music is a little too loud but the story is amazing and inspirational and spurs me on to tell others about Jesus. Be blessed today!
It's our turn to clean the church, joy! Another of those necessary jobs that may not bring so much joy but God is pleased when we do it with an attitude of service.
I'll try to remember to take some photos during the day and post them later. If you have time go to the link section and click on the free cd tracts link . Then scroll down to the witness section and click on the story of Mr Genor. The music is a little too loud but the story is amazing and inspirational and spurs me on to tell others about Jesus. Be blessed today!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Work all Finished?
Well I would love to say that I have all the chores done but it would be a lie so I won't! This morning we decided to make pancakes, they were great and even Jon wanted a bit of the cooking action.
I valued the help tho. I made the pancakes according to a recipe that my friend Cynthia gave me. It worked really well. I will work out how to put the recipe on a link or something and you can get it if you want. It may take me some time to work that out so be patient!!! We got back to school though and that went well.
We did school in p.j's, but am glad to say we are bathed now!
I spoke to my friend, Jackie, she lives in Limerick in Ireland. It was great to catch up with all her news and of course share what's goin on here. I love the way our conversation always comes around to the things of the Lord. Friends like that are so important, the Bible calls it fellowship. Ir is so important for us to find people that are likeminded.Talking about the Lord helps everyone involved in the conversation and pleases the Lord too. Don't be ashamed, if you are, then maybe you need to start spending more time with Him and just getting over any embarrassment that you may feel. Chances are your friend just wants to talk about Him too. Perhaps read a good book about Jesus and then bring that up in conversation offering to lend it out.
Well back to the chores in hand. I am determined to finish before 8 o'clock. Maybe that goal is a little ambitious! Will let you know how I fare. Love E,x
P.S Wanted to tell you bout this thank you card I got yesterday from another Jacqui. It's really good don't you think. What makes it even more special is that she is blind. God may have not allowed her sight but He has given her the gift of encouragement as well as many other gifts including this one.
I valued the help tho. I made the pancakes according to a recipe that my friend Cynthia gave me. It worked really well. I will work out how to put the recipe on a link or something and you can get it if you want. It may take me some time to work that out so be patient!!! We got back to school though and that went well.
I spoke to my friend, Jackie, she lives in Limerick in Ireland. It was great to catch up with all her news and of course share what's goin on here. I love the way our conversation always comes around to the things of the Lord. Friends like that are so important, the Bible calls it fellowship. Ir is so important for us to find people that are likeminded.Talking about the Lord helps everyone involved in the conversation and pleases the Lord too. Don't be ashamed, if you are, then maybe you need to start spending more time with Him and just getting over any embarrassment that you may feel. Chances are your friend just wants to talk about Him too. Perhaps read a good book about Jesus and then bring that up in conversation offering to lend it out.
Well back to the chores in hand. I am determined to finish before 8 o'clock. Maybe that goal is a little ambitious! Will let you know how I fare. Love E,x
P.S Wanted to tell you bout this thank you card I got yesterday from another Jacqui. It's really good don't you think. What makes it even more special is that she is blind. God may have not allowed her sight but He has given her the gift of encouragement as well as many other gifts including this one.
Wednesday means chores!
It is chore day and boy does our house need it. It has been busy since we got back from holiday last week, therefore nothing has been done in the house and you can tell. Back to school as well for us girls today. I am looking forward to that part, but ask me how I feel in a couple of hours and it may be different!
We got wakened rudely this morn by the electric man who we forgot was coming. How come they start work so early anyway! My ears are still ringing from the door buzzer.
Hopefully I will recover soon! The electricity man has left now after fitting our new meter and it is time for breakfast.
Remember that we as ladies, although doing the chores and looking after the children, have the ability to pray. Who will you seek God for today? Ask Him to bless your ministry at home and to make you all He wants you to be. There is no higher calling.
Have a good day!
We got wakened rudely this morn by the electric man who we forgot was coming. How come they start work so early anyway! My ears are still ringing from the door buzzer.
Hopefully I will recover soon! The electricity man has left now after fitting our new meter and it is time for breakfast.
Remember that we as ladies, although doing the chores and looking after the children, have the ability to pray. Who will you seek God for today? Ask Him to bless your ministry at home and to make you all He wants you to be. There is no higher calling.
Have a good day!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Hobby Crafters
Hello hope you are all well today. We have been for another little trip. We were going off to spy out another "big house". The one we were hoping to stay in for the church week end away. Unfortunately they have just decided to sell it! Back to the drawing board for us. Anyway we got to go to the "big" craft shop in the Glasgow Fort. It is so big the girls had to have a lie down half way round!

This morning's Tater story went well at the coffee morning and I was very surprised to find a sweet potato at the local shop! We had a smaller than usual crowd with 20 but it all went well and I didn't poison anyone with my coffee. (Well I haven't heard of anyone anyway).
This is a little "after group" of talkers who didn't get all the chat finished.

I spoke to the guy across the street today and invited him to the coffee morn. He said he would come some time. It would be great for us to see some locals coming through the door and hearing the greatest message of all. The best thing about being a missionary is that God doesn't call for our success but just that we do all we can to speak of Him. It should be no hardship to speak of the One we love the most. Should it?
This morning's Tater story went well at the coffee morning and I was very surprised to find a sweet potato at the local shop! We had a smaller than usual crowd with 20 but it all went well and I didn't poison anyone with my coffee. (Well I haven't heard of anyone anyway).
This is a little "after group" of talkers who didn't get all the chat finished.
I spoke to the guy across the street today and invited him to the coffee morn. He said he would come some time. It would be great for us to see some locals coming through the door and hearing the greatest message of all. The best thing about being a missionary is that God doesn't call for our success but just that we do all we can to speak of Him. It should be no hardship to speak of the One we love the most. Should it?
Monday, 21 April 2008
A day out!
We went to a beautiful wee town called Comrie today. I only know that it is about 24 miles from Perth. It has amazing scenery as you can see here.
We went with Johnathan and Janet Slater from the Faith Mission. There is a link to the Faith Mission website in my link part! So technical with my jargon I am huh? Anyhow, the Slaters run 2 camps in the summer for kids and we are fortunate to go along and teach the good news of Jesus to the boys and girls. This is The Slaters with us today.
The kids have hit the bottle! It's hard work being young huh?
Tomorrow I go the coffee morning at our Mission, the lady who normally makes the coffee is away so it is just a "morning" tomorrow! Just kidding I get to be in charge of the coffee pots. I give a little epilogue at the end and I think I may give one that I have borrowed from t'internet. It involves 5 potatoes, The Tater family
No 1: Spec Tater. He takes no part in the outreach or the in reach that is involved in being a church
No 2: Agi Tater Talks about every one and speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Takes a small situation and blows it all out of perspective.
No 3:Imi Tater Follows along on everyone else's faith but has no real faith of her own. She says and does what she does, not because God says so but because that is what she thinks you do when you go to church.
No 4: Dick Tater. He is in control and nothing will be done in this church unless it is done his way.
No 5: Sweet Tater. She is accepting yet assertive. She has a real and true faith in the Lord and not only does she preach it but she lives it too. She is kind and many of the fruits of the spirit you can see in her life. Jesus is the most important person in her life and she seeks to do nothing that spoils her testimony of His name.
I know which person of the Tater family I want to be most like. What about you?
Speak later, E. xx
Tomorrow I go the coffee morning at our Mission, the lady who normally makes the coffee is away so it is just a "morning" tomorrow! Just kidding I get to be in charge of the coffee pots. I give a little epilogue at the end and I think I may give one that I have borrowed from t'internet. It involves 5 potatoes, The Tater family
No 1: Spec Tater. He takes no part in the outreach or the in reach that is involved in being a church
No 2: Agi Tater Talks about every one and speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Takes a small situation and blows it all out of perspective.
No 3:Imi Tater Follows along on everyone else's faith but has no real faith of her own. She says and does what she does, not because God says so but because that is what she thinks you do when you go to church.
No 4: Dick Tater. He is in control and nothing will be done in this church unless it is done his way.
No 5: Sweet Tater. She is accepting yet assertive. She has a real and true faith in the Lord and not only does she preach it but she lives it too. She is kind and many of the fruits of the spirit you can see in her life. Jesus is the most important person in her life and she seeks to do nothing that spoils her testimony of His name.
I know which person of the Tater family I want to be most like. What about you?
Speak later, E. xx
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Sunday Youth Fellowship( The Senior One).
It is now 10:15pm and we are having major discussions with Davy and Kay. Davy works with SASRA which stands for Soldiers and Airmen Scripture Readers Association. He tells the soldiers and airmen about the love of Jesus and he and his wife work hard for the Lord. We are glad to have them at Gorgie Mission.
We are chatting about being on fire for God. Are you?
Sunday dinner all done!
Good day!!!
We had a lovely time at church today. It is always crazy in the morning before getting to church.. Here is me straightening my fringe or at least trying! We had communion this morn and enjoyed Sunday school. Today we started a series on the fruits of the Spirit and the first one is love. We spoke about Mary who broke the perfume over Jesus' feet and wiped it with her hair. Such an extravagant show of love. We then learned the verse found in Matthew ch 6:21 that says " Where your treasure is there your heart will be also" Lay up treasure in Heaven don't work for earthly gain for it won't last. We are having a nice time with our friends Andrew and Marian and their children Alba (5) and Sara (3). Now we are off to feed the ducks!
Saturday, 19 April 2008
I have learnt so much already!
It is now 9:30 pm and I am still playing around with this blog. I have learned so much but unfortunately I will go to sleep and while lying down all knowledge and memory seems to seep out of my brain on to my pillow. If only they could talk they could share much info with me!!
I still need to get ready for tomorrow. I heard it said once that our excitement about going to God's House should be like that of a child who awaits Christmas day and all the joys that brings. Look forward to the services that you will be a part of, go with a heart of excitement and give to God your worship and praise. I will speak to you soon. Hope you can sleep well. E.xx
I still need to get ready for tomorrow. I heard it said once that our excitement about going to God's House should be like that of a child who awaits Christmas day and all the joys that brings. Look forward to the services that you will be a part of, go with a heart of excitement and give to God your worship and praise. I will speak to you soon. Hope you can sleep well. E.xx
Saturday Tea Time.
The girls are painting just now and about to get ready for bed although that is unknown to them yet!!
I have to get a move on with Sunday school and the children's talk for Church. We have been on 2 weeks of holiday so I should be organised. That's a laugh!!!
Perhaps it is a bath first as Lydia is now painting the back of her hands and her face. Lovely!
Keep calm!!!!!!Thank you Lord for family.
Friendship is fab!
Hello Everyone,
This is my very first day as a blogger and as I am completely computer illiterate it might come with some teething problems!
It is not that my life or work is more important that I think that you should read about me but I want to have a learning curve while attempting this and you may be able to join me on the journey! We will definitely laugh at my mistakes that is for sure.
We have just waved off one set of visitors and now are trying to tidy up the house while we await the next lot. As you can tell the tidy up is going well as I have just set up a blog instead! I love people dropping by and having friends over is great.
It is now lunch time so I had best go and get something for en famille to munch. I will return if I can ever find the page again if not we will meet elsewhere!
Until then may Our Saviour bless you today, Don't be overwhelmed but in everything give thanks!
With love Elizabeth.
This is my very first day as a blogger and as I am completely computer illiterate it might come with some teething problems!
It is not that my life or work is more important that I think that you should read about me but I want to have a learning curve while attempting this and you may be able to join me on the journey! We will definitely laugh at my mistakes that is for sure.
We have just waved off one set of visitors and now are trying to tidy up the house while we await the next lot. As you can tell the tidy up is going well as I have just set up a blog instead! I love people dropping by and having friends over is great.
It is now lunch time so I had best go and get something for en famille to munch. I will return if I can ever find the page again if not we will meet elsewhere!
Until then may Our Saviour bless you today, Don't be overwhelmed but in everything give thanks!
With love Elizabeth.
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