We are having a fairly relaxing Monday after a hectic week-end. It was a good week-end though! This is the girls just now. Bethany is doing craft (no surprise there) and Lydia is blowing bubbles and both watching Narnia. Such multi tasking women they will be!!
I have just been reading a new book I got by Lysa TerKeurst. It is called,"What happens when women walk in faith" She writes," As we have seen in Hebrews 11, God doesn't seek out perfect people to do His work. I mistakenly believed at first that I needed to be perfect to serve God effectively. I think many people believe the lie that they must achieve a life of perfection before they can begin a life of faith. But I learned that God uses our imperfections and our willingness to share our mistakes to reach the hearts of the lost. As I speak to women all over the country, I share my mistakes, my clumsiness and my most embarrassing moments. While I am sharing, I watch. I watch their laughter give way to relief. These women seem to be saying to themselves, If God can use her, surely He can use me! Are you waiting till you arrive at perfection to step out in service to God? Are you afraid to show the real you for fear it will hinder your ministry? Don't be afraid to start where you are and be who you are. Blessed are the transparent, for they shall be used by God in a mighty way. How might God use you, weaknesses and all, to minister to other people?"
It is a good book, and the other one I read by her was called,"What happens when women say yes to God".
I was reading in Jeremiah 3 where God is calling Israel to return to Him even though they have backslidden so many times. God's grace is inexhaustible. There has to be the coming back part though and that is our responsibility. None of us are perfect that's for sure, but if we give ourselves to God He can use us, failures and all!
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