Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Hobby Crafters

Hello hope you are all well today. We have been for another little trip. We were going off to spy out another "big house". The one we were hoping to stay in for the church week end away. Unfortunately they have just decided to sell it! Back to the drawing board for us. Anyway we got to go to the "big" craft shop in the Glasgow Fort. It is so big the girls had to have a lie down half way round!
This morning's Tater story went well at the coffee morning and I was very surprised to find a sweet potato at the local shop! We had a smaller than usual crowd with 20 but it all went well and I didn't poison anyone with my coffee. (Well I haven't heard of anyone anyway).

This is a little "after group" of talkers who didn't get all the chat finished.

I spoke to the guy across the street today and invited him to the coffee morn. He said he would come some time. It would be great for us to see some locals coming through the door and hearing the greatest message of all. The best thing about being a missionary is that God doesn't call for our success but just that we do all we can to speak of Him. It should be no hardship to speak of the One we love the most. Should it?

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