Evenin all,
Our friend Stuart has come to visit tonight. Well when I say visit I mean he has come to pick up a car and needs a place to crash! Not the car I mean! This is him.

I had a really good time at Scripture Union and the kids were as well behaved as I have ever had them. We discussed what they thought Church is like and out of about 10 kids only one had ever been to church before. I was absolutely astounded about that. We need good missionaries to this country. This is the school that I do SU in.

Then off I went to the ladies meeting where Bill MacGillvary a retired missionary spoke. He spoke off a time when God spoke to him to go to a random place. Although the request was weird he obeyed and on the way in the car to this place he saw a fellow hitch hiking and stopped to give him a lift. When the fellow opened the door he recognised Bill and got into the car. It turned out that he and run away from a secure unit and had cut his throat so bleeding and upset Bill looked after him and was able to return him to the unit. All because he had listened to the prompting of God.
More chores today this time in the hall.

Right I better go and make coffee for our "guest" and hubbie, oh and me too. Will be in touch soon. Listen to the Spirit's prompting, your life will be so much more interesting that's for sure. Love E. xx
1 comment:
That guy Stuart looks a bit dodgy - sure you should let him stay?
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