Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Sooooo Exciting!

I know I have said this before but I just love Christmas to bits! All the stuff that is involved in it I think is brill. I love buying the presents and giving them, receiving them and I definitely love all the food that comes along at Christmas too. I don't however love having a cold at Christmas and I do! Boo hooo! Ok that was me feeling incredibly sorry for myself and now I am back on track. You know sometimes we can have a look at our lives and think... if only! If only we had more money how much fun Christmas would be, if only we had a bigger house then how much more room we would have for Christmas presents and parties. If only's never get us anywhere but discontended. As I feel sorry for myself with a stinking cold really i look around and see how fortunate I am. I know of one lady this year who will be spending Christmas all alone because she is estranged from her family.I think now how fortunate I am to be going to My mum's house and spending a family Christmas. When we look at ourselves only, we have a tendeny to think.... if only but when we realise what others must bear on a daily basis then sometimes it helps us to get our lives in perspective! We can't always afford the fine things of life as what the catalogue would tell us would be the top ten gifts but we have something that no ammount of money can buy. Jesus does really make our lives richer... why not give the gift of Jesus to someone in your neighbourhood this year. Someone who seems to have it all yet maybe has nothing at all or someone who you know is hurting with a pain they could hardly describe. Invite them over to play a game or have a coffee, or both!
I am going to try it... will you join me?
I hope you have a wonderful CHRISTmas. Put Him first and include Him in all your traditions.... your family will benefit!
With love, Elizabeth. xxxx

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Christmas is a coming!

Well hello there, I am getting very excited about Christmas. We just love any excuse in this house for a party and we are looking forward to all the parties we will have over the festive period. Jonathan has our house lit up like Blackpool tower and you can probably see a glow across the Atlantic Ocean... it is our house!
The girls have been busy making things for Christmas as presents.... look out those family of mine! A lady from the village had us over to make German biscuits with lots of spices and nice christmassy cutters so we have about 80 of them if you fancy poppping in for a coffee and biccie.
These days are always busy for most. We get lost in the madness sometimes and we can easily forget what the reason for Christmas really is. Our thoughts and attention are taken by the trappings and we don't give Him His rightful plce in all the proceedings. I love Christmas in a big way and there is nothing I like more than all the trimmings of a great festive period, but we are trying really hard to stay focused on not just those things but on the Christ who came for us and died for us and rose for us and is coming again for us.
We are getting a shower... it almost is unbelievable! We 3 long haired girls have had to make do with baths and jugs to wash our hair.... but now on Monday it would seem that the shower will start its monumental task of being installed! The only draw back is that we have to empty Lydia's room... that too being a mammoth task in itself!
Tomorrow we are of to a cake and sausage birthday party... that should be fun hey a Desperate Dan kind of birthday. Then I am hoping to get up to the relatives in the North end of the Island this week with their Christmas cards and calendars I have got them.
Jonathan has been busily typing out our latest prayer letter. It is a time consuming task but one that we very much appreciate as we know so many people who are so interested in the work here. I am constantly amazed at the support we have received since being here.
Jonathan starts in the schools work with the local Minister in january so that will be good and I know he is looking forward to that. He has also got the opportunity to go into the 2 localish old folks homes on a quarterly visit. So we have decided to all go and that the Von Tinks will sing. Hopefully most of them will be deaf cause if not they will be after we have gone! Seriously though we thought it would be a good ministry for the girls to be involved in. Jonathan and I had discussed it and just the other night there was a devotion in the girls book about a girl going to an old folks home and not being too impressed at having to be there, but very soon she realised that actually she was blessed to be there than she had even been a blessing. The little questions at the bottom spoke of our responsibility to these folks who are elderly and infirm. It was great to see the Lord guiding the Girls through his Word even in their young years.
I am very fond of a homeschool writer called Sally Clarkson. She does a blog that I try to read a soften as she writes it. It is called It takes joy. She has such a powerful way with words and has a real desire for Biblical womanhood and motherhood. I am re-reading her book Mission to Motherhood and find it a real challenge. So often we imagine if this period of our lives were over and the kids were grown and away how much ministry we would be able to do, but she challenges us to think of this motherhood as a ministry of itself and any other outside of that must be just a bonus. So many times in these last few days her writings have spoken into my mind when I am just about to lose my cool with one of the girls over something that really I should just take in my stride and see as a learning opportunity. I am enjoying that but at the same time I am wondering how long before I blow? I guess like offering ourselves a s a sacrifice to Jesus, it is about recommitting every day to the task in hand.
I love this season where there is time to enjoy board games and baking and just being with my wee ones. They are really great friends.... oh and we all love the Elf film so at the moment we have loads of one liners from that... you got to see it if you haven't already!
I know all this sounds a bit more fluffy than I normally am.... but I have been thinking recently about how the Father views me... and if I can love my children this much how much more can the Infinite God of Love adore me? He loved me so much that He gave me a gift, one that would last for all eternity and one that would never leave me. One that would pay my debt, and give me all I need for life and love and godliness. He gave me Jesus! That is Christmas. E. xxx

Saturday, 28 November 2009


Hi there, you know how my last post said I thought I'd cracked it? Well, guess what? I didn't. Seemingly if you click on my photos they are too big for your page or something like that. So I am trying to be taught how to stop that from occuring!
These past couple of weeks have been busy with Jonathan's mum and dad being here and then our friend Carole came from Edinburgh for a few days. It has been nice to catch up. This weekend my sister and brother in law are staying.
At the moment half the school is sick with a virus and so the St. Andrew's day quiz that was scheduled for tonight (Saturday) has had to be cancelled... seeing as we are well I think it should have gone ahead and then I may have had a chance of winning!
Tomorrow we are making our way down to York to our good friends, who have sadly lost their baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy. Baby Lydia never got to breathe in this world but we know that she is in the best place, I am sure though as comforting as that is it will still be a difficult funeral on Tuesday and then for the cosiderable future as her mum and dad and brothers come to terms with their loss.
So often people want an explanation of why these things happen. I don't really know except all I do know is that God shows Himself to be so real at these times that through it all He can and will be glorified if we allow Him access.
I have no photos for you as you can see but I will keep trying to learn!
Ok I am off to pack will be in touch. E. xxx

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Well I have returned and think I have finally cracked how to do my blog on this computer. I was never designed to know how to properly work a computer. What were you designed for I hear you ask and that I will come back to!
Life here in Skye is really good. We are very much enjoying being here and meeting people and getting to know them and share with them.

I don't know if you can see our handiwork but we tried to carve the name of Jesus into our pumpkin!

The morning service has been going now for 3 weeks. Every week we have had someone join with us and the Mackinnons to worship our Saviour and I myself have been really blessed through these times. jonathan was out this morning taking one of the local remembrance day services and although we missed him from an IT perspective for the singing it went fine and it is good that he was able to share with others.

On Friday night the terrible weather subsided for just enough time for us to have a great bonfire and firework display. We had food and hot drinks to warm us up. Just as the fireworks ended the most enormous hail storm came on. Most went home but I wasn't leaving without having been able to toast my marshmallows so a few of us were able to get just about close enough to manage it.

Within the village there is a great sense of community and all we had to do was to mention we were going to have this night when some of the others were so keen that it felt like we had very little to do to get it together. We hope that at some point those same folks will want to come along to the services and other things that will be organised as outreach.
Jonathan's mum and dad come tomorrow for a week. Elizabeth ( My mother in law is also Elizabeth Tink) has not been so well and gets easily tired so hopefully they will find it restful here. Jonathan is to travel to Inverness to pick them up. While there he has to go to a town about 20 miles away to My Aunts house. She has a fancy dress shop and we are going to a fancy dress party next Saturday for our friends 40th birthday. As I am writing this I still have no idea what I am going to be and as I will not be able to go with Jonathan I will have to trust his judgement on what he picks out for me!!!! Could be good.... could be bad! Will let you know!
As for what has God designed me for? To bring Glory to Himself was what we were hearing about this morning in the service. We so often look for acclaim and yet it should all be about Jesus and that in itself should bring us joy unspeakable. I am going to give it a good shot this week, how about you?
With love, E. xx

Monday, 19 October 2009

Some photos.

Just some random photos to show off our beautiful scenery up in Skye and of course Jonathan working hard while I just take photographs! Will write more soon. E. x

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Hi there,
I have lots of pics for you but the laptop and broadband are not communicating well at the mo and I don't know how to do the pics on the desk top so we have to wait till I can convince Jon to show me and then I will show you!
It has been a really good week here. Not weather wise right enough as you can hardly see your hand in front of your face due to the mist. We have been busy trying to sort out some of the rooms that have never had anything done since the furniture was put in all higgledy piggledy too!
Tonight our South Queensferry friends arrive for a few days so that will be great. The girls have been counting the days and are so excited.
We really enjoy friends coming to visit so keep it up all of you!
We are hoping to have a bonfire for the village and so we are scouting for all the burnable stuff with thich to do it. The girls have managed to find a pile higher than themselves so far. Yesterday we went to play and have coffee with a neighbour and her kids and she seems to have plenty stuff for it too.... so we could be there for a while. It will be nice though to invite the neighbours to something and have some fun.
Stuart has ordered our bible study books for the service beginning on the 25th of this month. It is getting very near but we are very much looking forward to it.
Keep praying for the opportunities we have, sometimes they seem so small and insignificant and yet nothing is insignificant in the hands of our God.
Well I had best get on with the sorting out so that our friends have a bed to sleep in. With love in Him. E. xx

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Wahey we have broadband!

I am very glad to announce we have broadband! Whoop Whoop! It is very nice to be back in touch with folks again and I really have missed it. Also you have no idea how much I rely on google for the questions like... why did God create Midges? So we are back in the land of communication.
I will not go mad on this my first post from 17, Elgol, but I will just tell you that we are very much enjoying life here. The people are lovely and the midges are gone, the weather is not too bad yet so all is looking good. Jonathan is kept fairly busy with services. We have not begun the one in our home yet but it is on the calendar for the last Sunday in October. It would be great if you could pray for this venture as we want it to be of the Lord's doing. We are beginning with a Bible Study so that should flummox me to start with!
The girls are having a whale of a time. Prince Caspian is the game of the season! Thinking of heading down to the shore tomorrow and seeing what we can find. Will come on with the pics soon.
Communication really is important isn't it? I was thinking about the communication I have with God and how so often the line is busy... never on His side though.
Look forward to being in communication more. E. xx

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I am still alive!

Hi everyone. If anyone is there anymore. I am so sorry I have not been able to keep up with the blog,but I have thought of you often. When something happens in my day I will often think of letting you know. We are still without broadband and we really do miss it! I know that people coped before without it but it is a brilliant tool to keep in touch with friends and family in far flung places.
Anyhow this is just another wee quick update to let you know we are doing really well. We ar settling well into life here on the Misty Isle. What a mist it is when it comes down you can't hardly see your hand in front of your face! Jonathan has enjoyed his time t the 3 churches in Snizort and now this Friday their new Minister, Robert and his wife Linda are inducted. It will be great to see what God will do through this pair. As fo us we are very excited with the little developments around us. We are looking forward to beginning a Bible study in our own house with Stuart and Glenda and hopefully a few from the community will join with us. It starts in a couple of weeks and will go on while the children are at the Sunday school as there is no morning service here in Elgol. We look forward to being challenged and built up i ou faith and we trust that ripples would be caused throughout the whole community to make waves for the Kingdom of God. We have made friends with some really lovely people here and we covet them for God.
We have had lots of visitors to see us and we have enjoyed that a lot. It is a lovley place to get away to and so beautiful! This weekend we are off down to Edinburgh as one of the ladies from Gorgie is celebrating a big birthday. Then we are going camping for a few nights... yes camping! I wasn't thinking of the time of year when I booked it. Oh well it all adds to the rich tapestry of life! Well I don't know when I will be back but I will try to not leave it a slong as last time. I hope you are all well and knowing His presence even in the difficult times. With love, Elizabeth. xx

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Well we still don't have broadband can you tell? I am missing telling all my tales but we have been promised that it may be sorted by mid September.... Skye time!
We have had a lovely few days with my Mum and my 99 year old Granny coming to see where we live. They came just for the day yesterday and then the girls and I took them home and stayed the night.
I will come again soon and bring you up to date on the Skye life!
With love, E. xx

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Isn't she a cool dude?
Well lots has happened it seems in the last while since I have written the blog. Andrew and Marian with their 2 girls Alba and Sara have been with us from Edinburgh and we had a great time.

We managed to do a lot in the week or so that we were together. We went up to Snizort for the first week end where Jonathan is doing the services and on the Monday we managed to get to the Faery Glen. It was so pretty. Skye really is beautiful and it changes all the time.

We have enjoyed having the company and also having others come over for food. I am learning to bake. It has never been one of my strong points but I am getting there. Needs a little patience which has probably been my problem in the past!
Jonathan has managed to get a scavenger licence for collecting the wood that the loggers leave behind. It is making a real difference and we are feeling the house really warm up. Hopefully we will be able to say the same in the winter!!

This week Lydia has had a wee sickness bug so that has not been so nice but it was good that we had some time to just be around the house with her. She seems to be picking up. We are very fortunate that none of us are very often sick.
I am reading Elisabeth Elliot's biography of Amy Carmichael. I haven't been reading for ages, and am really enjoying her account of Amy's life. A real challenge who gave her life to God and served Him wholeheartedly. It is a real challenge for me to live every day for Jesus and one I often don't succeed at but thankfully He is merciful and gracious and is willing to keep teaching me.
Jonathan is doing fine in Snizort and the people are very nice and have a rota for providing Sunday lunch! Next week in Kyleakin is the holiday club. Our girls are looking forward to going to that.
We are off to Fort William on Friday to do some trainer and welly boot shopping. They don't last long here we have discovered! Then on Friday evening The Misty Isle boat is taking a trip over to Loch Coruisk for a charity trip so we are off on that.
We are no further forward on the internet in fact maybe even further behind. So we are still coming down to the caravan to get computer stuff done. It could be worse I know but you do take it for granted when you have the ease of just sitting down with the laptop. Us modern missionaries huh? Any how I just thought I would add on these few extra photos just in case I don't come back for a while.

The pictures of the girls in the swimwear and Jonathan in the winter gear are on the same day!
If you have stuck with me even through the long periods of absence can I just say thank you. We so appreciate the interest you show in us and the prayers you pray for us. Keep it up and we will try and keep on living for Him here on Skye. God is doing great things and we look forward to seeing Him move in even more powerful ways.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Well all that has been went well! Jonathan had his first shot at speaking in two of the churches where he will be locum and they were lovely people who seem very hungry for God's word. He begins properly on Sunday coming with the 3 services and then a midweek meeting on the Wednesday night.
Lindsey got married and all went without a hitch!!! Jonathan although nervous did a really good job and I was the wedding planner!!! Well I thought I was as I bossed everyone about as to where to stand and what to do! If you need a wedding planner I can give you my mobile number!!!

Now we are back in Skye and glad to be so! It does seem a little weird to have nothing planned to go back to Edinburgh for, but it is time to settle in now. We came home from Edinburgh last night and stopped off to a shopping. I felt the need to take a pic of the shop so I remember what they look like.

We have our friends Andrew, Marian, Alba and Sara coming on Friday for a holiday so it will be great to see them and the girls are very much looking forward to having someone they can show around the area!

The girls kittens are becoming more tame and they are having a great time training them. Britain's Got Talent here we come!
Well God is blessing us and helping us as we adjust to the new life he has called us to. We really are amazed at all He does for us. Be amazed and thankful for even the little things we take for granted! Be blessed! E. xx

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Hi there, sorry it has been so long since I have been in touch. Due to lack of broadband in the places I have been. We thought it would all be sorted out by now but it seems this is not to be so I am back at Glenda's using her link! We have returned home to Skye. It is very nice to be back here again! We had a great time at Edinburgh Convention and the children's meetings seemed to go well. We had a range from 3 years old to 12 and there were 14 up to 27 in attendance. It is a very important ministry and one I am very glad to be a part of! We made it back on Monday eve and our good friends Johnathan and Janet came up with their 2 wee boys! They just left today to go back to York where they serve the Lord with the Faith Mission. It was great to be able to show them where we live so they can visualise us in it! I have still no camera... so hopefully next week will bring some photos!
Jonathan has the first of the services up in Snizort on Sunday, and then in the evening he is taking the fellowship meeting in Kyleakin. So it has begun! Well I will only go so far as Glenda is also making my tea... not a bad life is it? Hope you are seeing fruit for your labour and your ministry being blessed!
With love, Elizabeth. xx

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Life in Edinburgh!

We had a lovely day for our trip to East Links in Dunbar and had great fun there!

I am still subject to Beth and her camera so not great shots and also she forgot to bring it to the FM graduation! Honestly you just can't trust 9 year olds to be adults!!!!
Well we have begun the Edinburgh clean up... not all of Edinburgh but just this flat!

It looks like we are living in a squat for Eastern European refugees! This week is painting and preparation. I am doing the children's meetings at the Faith Mission Convention here in Edinburgh next week. We are going to be learning about the Armour of God. Today I am off to the recycling shop to buy bits for the crafts. I very much enjoy getting the stuff all together for it. I hope it will go well. The meetings for the parents are excellent so you want the kids to enjoy it too. Unfortunately the convention begins when the school is still in term so many who may have come won't be able to. At the moment we have no idea of who will turn up.... except for my own 2 and Janet's 2! Wahey 4! Always a start!
This week is also a little opportunity to get to see some friends and we are trying to make the most of that.
It is a beautiful day here. God is so good. We have all we need! Let's remember to thank Him and live for Him. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Speak to you again soon. Thank you for your prayers... keep it up. With love. Elizabeth. xx

Thursday, 18 June 2009

I am sorry to my 2 readers.... ok 1 who has been waiting for my blog to tell them what I am doing!! Packing and more packing would be a good description of my life at the moment! Last night we got the van loaded with most of our remaining stuff in Edinburgh and Jonathan left this morning and is now in Skye having unloaded the van. He comes back down tomorrow and starts the ministry of redecoration in the Edinburgh flat!!! I am just enjoying myself as he is away working. Today the girls and I were ladies who do lunch as we met up with Carole at Fort Kinnaird. This is a place where shops are yes I said shops. Not an Edinburgh Woolen Mill in sight! Not that I am knocking the EWM you understand as there are bargains to be had there but when it is the only shop other than the co op you have seen for a while it is overwhelming to say the least! Anyhow enough of that.

I have left my camera in Skye so I am subject to Bethany and her photography skills for these pics you see before you... not altogether convinced she has a future in this line of work but am prepared to be proved wrong!
The kids from up the stairs came down to spend the afternoon and have their tea with us. This proved a challenge as we have no tv, no games, no anything really! We thought of some party ganes and decide if the wether should hold up we could go to the park.
Well as you can see we managed the party games.... flour cakes and apple dooking are what is happening here and we did manage to get to the park for a few minutes. I can't believe how much I have been able to talk to the mum up the stairs since we have come back. It is just typical though isn't it that we should build up a good rapport when we are leaving.

Over these next few days I am trying to get the Edinburgh Convention kids club sorted out. We are doing the Armour of God, something I need to learn more about but very thankful for!
On Saturday we go to the Faith Mission Graduation where our friend Hannah is graduating from. We hope to have a bbq on the beach afterwards if the weather holds out... actually gets better would be ideal!
Gorgie Mission has had to suspend their Sunday morning services through the summer months as so many are away and therefore it is hard to keep going. This makes us sad that there are not enough to be able to make a church that can stand it's ground but we are glad that they are looking to restart in the beginning of August. How can people say we don't need Missionaries in this country? We need praying people who will align themselves with God's mandate and step out in faith seeking His guidance and direction. What a transformation would occur in our own lives if we practiced what we preached!
Well I need some beauty sleep... no smart comments thanks. Tomorrow the girls and I are off with my sister Nora to a farm park in Dunbar.... said to be the sunniest town in Scotland, here's hoping. God bless and I will speak to you next week and hopefully show you some more of Bethany's pics! In Him. E.xx

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Help has arrived!!!

Well we are high on paint fumes, dirty and bedraggled but surviving it all and now we have help!!! Davie Murray has arrived from Gorgie to help us paint and boy can he paint. He is on a paintathon! We are so grateful for God's provision of help and we are really thankful that Davie has his ear open to God. We were listening to a sermon the other day on giving back to those around out of the abundance of what God allows us to have. Not just money but time and talents are important also.
This week has been great, we have met up with lots of the village folk and the girls are making lots of friends. Today we are waiting for our friends from Girls Brigade to come over for a wee play. We just have a few more days here on Skye and then we are heading back to Edinburgh on Saturday. We are going back to get the last few bits and pieces of furniture from the flat and to paint and clean it up before handing back the keys. We are also going to see Hannah our friend graduate from the Faith Mission Bible College. All in all we will be away 3 weeks as we will be helping at the Edinburgh convention too. Will keep you informed as to all that is going on. On Fridays I am going to circuit training for the last few weeks so I may not make it to Edinburgh as it does actually nearly kill me and the worst thing is they tell me it is good for me! No pain no gain are the immortal words that are being banded about everytime I groan when I have to move a muscle that had forgotten it existed but has been stretched to another shape altogether! Anyhow I had better go and make the workers a coffee. Keep looking to Him the Author and Perfector of our Faith. It is He that keeps us. Blessings. E. xx

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Settling in!

Well slowly and surely wins the race is still our motto! We are getting there! Jonathan is working very hard with his ministry of redecoration. As you can see from the pics.

We have been meeting most of the locals these past few days which has been great. I nearly killed myself at the circuit training keep fit class but made some friends nonetheless! That afternoon then we went to the school jumble sale which gave the girls the opportunity to meet with all the local school children. The headteacher then invited us along on the following Monday to the sports day. It was a blistering hot day and the kids all did really well.
After that we went down to the shore and cooled of in the freezing water! Then the girls treated themselves to a sand treatment for their skin!

We had to leave really fast and make our way to Girls Brigade where we are making friends also.
Yesterday a few holiday makers who we met at church on Sunday popped in to see us and we had a nice time with them! It is all go at the moment, but we are very much enjoying being here. God is being so good to us and we are knowing His presence! This is the before and after of Lydia's room!

Please keep praying for us and I am sorry about the sporadic bloggage..... will try and keep coming down to Stuart and Glenda's and keeping you posted! It is only about 2 minutes down the road so shouldn't be sooooo lazy! Keep up the good work yourselves and keep trusting... Love Elizabeth. xx