I am still subject to Beth and her camera so not great shots and also she forgot to bring it to the FM graduation! Honestly you just can't trust 9 year olds to be adults!!!!
Well we have begun the Edinburgh clean up... not all of Edinburgh but just this flat!
It looks like we are living in a squat for Eastern European refugees! This week is painting and preparation. I am doing the children's meetings at the Faith Mission Convention here in Edinburgh next week. We are going to be learning about the Armour of God. Today I am off to the recycling shop to buy bits for the crafts. I very much enjoy getting the stuff all together for it. I hope it will go well. The meetings for the parents are excellent so you want the kids to enjoy it too. Unfortunately the convention begins when the school is still in term so many who may have come won't be able to. At the moment we have no idea of who will turn up.... except for my own 2 and Janet's 2! Wahey 4! Always a start!
This week is also a little opportunity to get to see some friends and we are trying to make the most of that.
It is a beautiful day here. God is so good. We have all we need! Let's remember to thank Him and live for Him. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Speak to you again soon. Thank you for your prayers... keep it up. With love. Elizabeth. xx
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