Well slowly and surely wins the race is still our motto! We are getting there! Jonathan is working very hard with his ministry of redecoration. As you can see from the pics.

We have been meeting most of the locals these past few days which has been great. I nearly killed myself at the circuit training keep fit class but made some friends nonetheless! That afternoon then we went to the school jumble sale which gave the girls the opportunity to meet with all the local school children. The headteacher then invited us along on the following Monday to the sports day. It was a blistering hot day and the kids all did really well.

After that we went down to the shore and cooled of in the freezing water! Then the girls treated themselves to a sand treatment for their skin!

We had to leave really fast and make our way to Girls Brigade where we are making friends also.
Yesterday a few holiday makers who we met at church on Sunday popped in to see us and we had a nice time with them! It is all go at the moment, but we are very much enjoying being here. God is being so good to us and we are knowing His presence! This is the before and after of Lydia's room!

Please keep praying for us and I am sorry about the sporadic bloggage..... will try and keep coming down to Stuart and Glenda's and keeping you posted! It is only about 2 minutes down the road so shouldn't be sooooo lazy! Keep up the good work yourselves and keep trusting... Love Elizabeth. xx
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