Well we are high on paint fumes, dirty and bedraggled but surviving it all and now we have help!!! Davie Murray has arrived from Gorgie to help us paint and boy can he paint. He is on a paintathon! We are so grateful for God's provision of help and we are really thankful that Davie has his ear open to God. We were listening to a sermon the other day on giving back to those around out of the abundance of what God allows us to have. Not just money but time and talents are important also.
This week has been great, we have met up with lots of the village folk and the girls are making lots of friends. Today we are waiting for our friends from Girls Brigade to come over for a wee play. We just have a few more days here on Skye and then we are heading back to Edinburgh on Saturday. We are going back to get the last few bits and pieces of furniture from the flat and to paint and clean it up before handing back the keys. We are also going to see Hannah our friend graduate from the Faith Mission Bible College. All in all we will be away 3 weeks as we will be helping at the Edinburgh convention too. Will keep you informed as to all that is going on. On Fridays I am going to circuit training for the last few weeks so I may not make it to Edinburgh as it does actually nearly kill me and the worst thing is they tell me it is good for me! No pain no gain are the immortal words that are being banded about everytime I groan when I have to move a muscle that had forgotten it existed but has been stretched to another shape altogether! Anyhow I had better go and make the workers a coffee. Keep looking to Him the Author and Perfector of our Faith. It is He that keeps us. Blessings. E. xx
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