This week has been busy and varied with all kinds of visits from friends and to family. The weeks fly past and we are so aware of the shortness of our time here in Edinburgh. It really is a beautiful city and these pictures are of Tuesday evening when the girls and I were on a bus on our way home.
There is much we may miss about Edinburgh but we are looking forward to the green open spaces again. One of the things we will miss is the friends we have made here. Bethany and Lydia made great friends with Gemma in Penicuik and this week was school half term so she came over on Wednesday for the day. We girls all went to the Five Sisters Zoo in West Calder area. We had a great time and Gemma is a lovely girl that I hope the girls will always stay in contact with.
On Thursday we went off to Fort William. As a family we had got my mum a new computer and sorted her out with broadband so we took it up and also we were able to share in celebrations for my Granny's 99th birthday. She really is an awesome lady and on her birthday when we went into her house she had already hoovered her carpet and dusted around. Oh and taken down all her cards thus having forgot that it was her birthday but I reckon that is allowed! Her house looked like a garden centre by the end of the day!
On Saturday I had to do a quick stop in Asda. When we first moved back to Edinburgh I was constantly looking for a friend of mine from school. Her name was Julie and she was a twin. We had been very friendly and during our years in school her mum had sadly died of cancer. When we would come back from Ireland I would go to her house and see her but that was the extent of our communication. When we moved I went to her house to find they had moved away. So many times in the street I would think I might have seen her and she was often on my mind. Just a couple of years ago I found out that she too had died of cancer leaving behind a little son. I was devastated that this was the news. On Saturday when I was standing at the checkout in Asda I looked over at another lady standing and just the way she bit her lip I knew she had to be Julie's sister. It wasn't her twin Kerry but an older sister called Amanda. I accosted her (the poor thing) and was able to find out about Julie and when she died and to learn that Kerry is expecting a baby in June. God is so gracious that after all this time of searching for someone and coming up with such a sad outcome that I should find out something about them and be able to pass on my good wishes.
It has been a full weekend again and we are tired today as I am sure many of you are. God is good and He can give us the energy we need to cope with all that life throws our way. I am off to get ready for the home educating mum's bible study on tonight. We are studying a Mission to Motherhood. It certainly is a missionfield right inside our own home. It is important for our children to see us being spiritual at home and not just outside or in church where it is easy to sound holy. We must show Jesus in every situation... even when we drop the pudding on the floor!!!! That isn't always easy and of course we slip up and make mistakes but it is important that we live it out. Talk it and walk it. Let us as we live our Christian lives in front of those we love never have any regrets. Talk about Him more now... live for Him entirely now..... be as holy as it is possible for a saved sinner to be now. We never want to stand in Heaven and say I wish I had given Him more. Give it all to Him today.
God bless you this week. With love, Elizabeth. xx
ps.. please continue to pray for Calum and his family. His blood pressure seems to be stabilising but it is still not perfect. He is in Inverness while I am writing this. Pray for his health to be back to normal and they can return home knowing of the serenity that is to be found in Jesus.xx
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