This week has been a really good one with lots happening and some other things that were supposed to be happening having to be cancelled.
These cancellations though, resulted in my poor kitchen cupboards finally being cleaned out! I find it very therapeutic to get things back in order. Although I don't advocate that this is the way it should always be because I know some find it better to be higgledy piggledy. I am function better with an organised life... that will never come to fruition unfortunately but the cupboards were a start.
Tomorrow evening we have our prayer meeting which I am looking forward to as these days we need a lot of prayer. On Sunday coming (8th) the speaker who is coming is the man who is interested in the vacancy at Gorgie. We are very much looking forward to meeting him and are prayerful that he will be the right man for the job!
I am enjoying studying with a couple of the young mums from the church the Elizabeth George book, A Mom after God's own heart. It is a very challenging book which deals with our responsibility of being a Missionary to our own families. They really do see us as we are and therefore we must seek Him to be more like Him.
Our programme this week is busy enough with all the regular events. I am also going to Falkirk on Tuesday to meet up with a friend from Bible College days.... years ago!!! I will let you know how I get on and if we see much difference in each other after 12 years!
Jonathan has been able to buy himself a computer which he has been waiting for for a long time. God enabled us to find the deal at just the right time.... Jon is a very happy fellow! In these days of credit crunch be assured that our God, the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, is able to provide for you and me. Sometimes He allows these situations to occur knowing that it is only to Him that we can turn. Don't let a situation get too desperate before you give Him His place at the helm of your life.. Do it now. I know He will keep on leading, protecting and providing. What an awesome God we serve.
Blessings to you this week! E. xxx
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