Never mind, today is our day off so I shouldn't complain really! We have had a good week with some lovely times. Like going to Gorgie Farm to see the new lambs.
Every Friday Samuel comes to spend the afternoon and this past friday we went to the beach... I know twice in the winter. We have been more in winter than we were in the summer!
We meet so many people with difficult family situations and it is heart breaking not being able to do more to help. There are so many situations vacant for missionaries here in my homeland. People need to know about Jesus and the hope that He brings to lives.
I am enjoying meeting with the 2 mums in the Bible study I do on Thursday evening and we have pledged to commit to memory more verses of the Bible. Deuteronomy 6 talks about teaching scripture to your family in the home when you sit down and stand when you lie down and rise. Having it before your eyes and written on your hands and adorning the doorposts of your home. In other words that we may be saturated in His word and able to remember it when we need it to encourage us in our task.
Last night the man who has applied for the vacancy at Gorgie Mission spoke. He is a very nice man and spoke very well. The congregation will see him a few more times and then will make the decision as to the future. Our real desire would be that Gorgie would have two pastors, one like the man last night who has experience and wisdom under his belt for the pastoral side and another young couple for the evangelism side. Am I asking too much? Nothing is impossible for God.
Carole had to stay over last night due to the snow. It still looks like a winter wonderland here but no fresh snow. Some people have had it really terrible though and Jonathan has been incredibly jealous! Well now he can go sledging at last... hope he minds his sore toe.
This week our good friends Johnathan and Janet and the boys are coming up to stay for a few days. It will be great to see them and catch up with all the news.
For now... be a missionary in your own area, don't leave it to someone else. You are called to do whatever you can. Perhaps just saying a kindly word, sending a card to someone who has been missing from church for a while. A phone call to a friend asking them to tea..... there are so many opportunities already there. Seize the day.
Blessings. xx
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