I am sorry to my 2 readers.... ok 1 who has been waiting for my blog to tell them what I am doing!! Packing and more packing would be a good description of my life at the moment! Last night we got the van loaded with most of our remaining stuff in Edinburgh and Jonathan left this morning and is now in Skye having unloaded the van. He comes back down tomorrow and starts the ministry of redecoration in the Edinburgh flat!!! I am just enjoying myself as he is away working. Today the girls and I were ladies who do lunch as we met up with Carole at Fort Kinnaird. This is a place where shops are yes I said shops. Not an Edinburgh Woolen Mill in sight! Not that I am knocking the EWM you understand as there are bargains to be had there but when it is the only shop other than the co op you have seen for a while it is overwhelming to say the least! Anyhow enough of that.

I have left my camera in Skye so I am subject to Bethany and her photography skills for these pics you see before you... not altogether convinced she has a future in this line of work but am prepared to be proved wrong!
The kids from up the stairs came down to spend the afternoon and have their tea with us. This proved a challenge as we have no tv, no games, no anything really! We thought of some party ganes and decide if the wether should hold up we could go to the park.
Well as you can see we managed the party games.... flour cakes and apple dooking are what is happening here and we did manage to get to the park for a few minutes. I can't believe how much I have been able to talk to the mum up the stairs since we have come back. It is just typical though isn't it that we should build up a good rapport when we are leaving.

Over these next few days I am trying to get the Edinburgh Convention kids club sorted out. We are doing the Armour of God, something I need to learn more about but very thankful for!
On Saturday we go to the Faith Mission Graduation where our friend Hannah is graduating from. We hope to have a bbq on the beach afterwards if the weather holds out... actually gets better would be ideal!
Gorgie Mission has had to suspend their Sunday morning services through the summer months as so many are away and therefore it is hard to keep going. This makes us sad that there are not enough to be able to make a church that can stand it's ground but we are glad that they are looking to restart in the beginning of August. How can people say we don't need Missionaries in this country? We need praying people who will align themselves with God's mandate and step out in faith seeking His guidance and direction. What a transformation would occur in our own lives if we practiced what we preached!
Well I need some beauty sleep... no smart comments thanks. Tomorrow the girls and I are off with my sister Nora to a farm park in Dunbar.... said to be the sunniest town in Scotland, here's hoping. God bless and I will speak to you next week and hopefully show you some more of Bethany's pics! In Him. E.xx