Monday, 21 April 2008

A day out!

We went to a beautiful wee town called Comrie today. I only know that it is about 24 miles from Perth. It has amazing scenery as you can see here. We went with Johnathan and Janet Slater from the Faith Mission. There is a link to the Faith Mission website in my link part! So technical with my jargon I am huh? Anyhow, the Slaters run 2 camps in the summer for kids and we are fortunate to go along and teach the good news of Jesus to the boys and girls. This is The Slaters with us today. The kids have hit the bottle! It's hard work being young huh?

Tomorrow I go the coffee morning at our Mission, the lady who normally makes the coffee is away so it is just a "morning" tomorrow! Just kidding I get to be in charge of the coffee pots. I give a little epilogue at the end and I think I may give one that I have borrowed from t'internet. It involves 5 potatoes, The Tater family
No 1: Spec Tater. He takes no part in the outreach or the in reach that is involved in being a church
No 2: Agi Tater Talks about every one and speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Takes a small situation and blows it all out of perspective.
No 3:Imi Tater Follows along on everyone else's faith but has no real faith of her own. She says and does what she does, not because God says so but because that is what she thinks you do when you go to church.
No 4: Dick Tater. He is in control and nothing will be done in this church unless it is done his way.
No 5: Sweet Tater. She is accepting yet assertive. She has a real and true faith in the Lord and not only does she preach it but she lives it too. She is kind and many of the fruits of the spirit you can see in her life. Jesus is the most important person in her life and she seeks to do nothing that spoils her testimony of His name.
I know which person of the Tater family I want to be most like. What about you?
Speak later, E. xx

1 comment:

Stuart Mackinnon said...

The Tater talk sounds great - keep up the good blogging work!